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All Videos by jonrev

Model Rocket Launch - 3/17/10 [HD] (2011-06-17)

My return to model rocketry after a nearly 4 year absence, at a new and much larger flying site! Flown: Mercury Redstone [CRASH] Fat-Cat Executioner [DESTROYED] "Canadian V2" Eagle Boost Glider ShockWave Big Bertha "Throwback" [CHUTE SHRED] V2-E Maxi Alpha 3 [FIN BREAK] Super Nova Payloader [CHUTE SHRED] Firehawk Fat-Cat [FIN BREAK] V2-E My relatively bad luck is still with me. One dead, and four in sick bay.

Model Rocket Launch - 3/29/10 [HD] (2011-12-29)

My brother decided to skip this one, but a few hundred bitchy guests came out to watch instead. Also: GUMCAM FLIES! Blue Ninja - D12-5 Super Nova Payloader w/GumCam - D12-5 Loadstar w/Gumcam - B6-0/A8-5 ['CHUTE SHRED] Super Nova Payloader w/GumCam - D12-5 GumCam raw videos can be seen here: http://tinypic.com/player.php?v=o0wiz9&s=5

ShockWave model rocket on a C11-3 (2011-07-09)

In 2004 I custom-built a model rocket out of parts to repair two other rockets. The rocket was called ShockWave, after the defunct roller coaster at Six Flags Great America. This flight took place at a NIRA Club Launch on September 21, 2006. It was ShockWave's third flight and was the first successful flight. I retired from rocketry in December 2006, the last project was repainting ShockWave once more.