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Rocketry Videos

By jsargevt

CRMRC Aerotech Sumo August 17th 2011 (2011-09-18)
CRMRC Launch in St. Albans, VT August 17th 2011. Aerotech Sumo on a G77-4R. Maiden Flight! Nicely done except I rotated the camera for a portrait orientation which is not appropriate for video! Live ... [View]

CRMRC: Aerotech Arreaux September 17th 2011 (2011-09-18)
Aerotech Arreaux with an E30-4T engine taken from onboard video. Clip1 is full, clip2 is half and clip 3 is 1/4. Taken on September 17th at the CRMRC launch in St. Albans. [View]

Sepember 3rd Rocket Camera (2011-09-04)
September 3rd Rocket Launch at Underhill Central School, VT [View]

Videos by jsargevt at YouTube