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Flight Log - 2020-02-01 - K Sonesen's BAR Crayon 38mm

This is a modified version of the Bay Area Rocketry 38mm kit.  I moved the motor tube 2" aft, added a third centering ring, and an Aeropack retainer.  I also used a kevlar y-bridle, 15' of 9/16" tubular nylon, and a KSR 30H chute. All connections are made with 1/4" quicklinks. I added 5 ounces of ballast to the nosecone so that I can launch on I225 motors and similar.

Flight Date: 2020-02-01
Rocket Name: BAR Crayon 38mm
Flyer's Name: K Sonesen
Motors: H178-7
Expected Altitude: 1,300 Feet
Wind Speed: 3.00 mph
Launch Site: LUNAR - Snow Ranch

DarkMatterDay at the Ranch. Everyone had the same idea as the Ranch was still green and the grass was short. Won’t be that way next month!

Gorgeous weather and maximum attendance.

Straight boost, Chute Release set for 400’ and the Bama Chutes RotoSail was amazing.

Touched down on the far side of the creek...thankfully.

1Aerotech H178DM-7


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