Rocket Dungeon: Opened my Semroc Little Joe II (2010-08-15)
My Semroc order arrived while I was launching yesterday. 2 1/2 day turnaround - great for mere mortals, but a day slower than my previous order. Anyway, most of what I got was just to put ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Semroc Little Joe II Build Part 1 Parts (2010-09-17)
On to the next rocket in the build pile - The Semroc LITTLE JOE II I built and flew the Estes kit in the early 1970s, this version seems very close, except for all the laser cut balsa and thick card ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Semroc Little Joe II Build Part 2 Engine Mount (2010-09-17)
Nothing out of the ordinary here. A standard engine mount, the centering rings fit perfectly. I use black electrical tape instead of masking tape to hold the engine hook in place. If you've ever ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Semroc Little Joe II Build Part 3 Fins (2010-09-19)
Sorry, I wasn't able to get online yesterday to do blog entries. Once again, AT&T Internet was down. Last month it was down for a day. Two strikes for AT&T, one more and they are OUT! Back ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Semroc Little Joe II Part 4 Fins (2010-09-19)
In step 9 you cease the fin cover down it's center line . Some vendors will direct you to cut halfway through the stock with a sharp knife. I've never found that necessary and you run the risk of ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Semroc Little Joe II Build Part 5 Fins (2010-09-20)
Here's the ribs glued into one side of the fin cover. The instructions are right - use just a little glue to set the ribs in place. Too much and it could distort the other side of the cardstock ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Semroc Little Joe II Build Part 6 Fins (2010-09-20)
Okay - everything was going well up until now . I was only happy with the way one fin out of four turned out. I was careful not to use much glue to attach the internal balsa ribs, but I still had ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Semroc Little Joe II Build Part 7 Body Wraps (2010-09-21)
I built a little out of order from the instructions. The wraps actually should have been put on before the fins were made. While the instructions say to use glue to attach the wraps to the body ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Semroc Little Joe II Build Part 9 Engine Mount Install (2010-09-21)
The tube is marked for the fins by placing the body tube on top of a marking guide. You are told to mark the fin lines between two of the corrugations. I found it hard to do this. I ended up just ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Semroc Little Joe II Build Part 10 Pre-Paint (2010-09-22)
The fins were glued on and fillets applied. I tried to pre-plan the fin alignment lines, one was drawn on the lower wrap seam to partially cover it up. To center the launch lug on the upper wrap: ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Semroc Little Joe II Build Paint and Decals (2010-09-22)
The lower body was painted using WalMart Colorplace Aluminum. It's one of the better, cheap paints, around $1.00 a can. Remember those extra trim decals I printed up awhile back? Click HERE for an ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Semroc Little Joe II Part 11 Apollo Capsule Kit (2010-09-23)
The 1/70 Scale Apollo capsule kit is included in the Little Joe kit bag. This brings back memories from the time I tackled the Estes Saturn 1B in the mid 1970s! I hope to do a better job of it this ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Semroc Little Joe Build Part 11 Capsule Parts (2010-09-23)
Here's all the capsule and tower parts. And, a close up of the unusual pieces. The two balsa ends of the escape tower motor unit are one piece and are cut apart. You aren't told to cut them apart in ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Semroc Little Joe II Build Part 12 Command Module (2010-09-23)
One of the more unusual parts is the large ring on the laser cut sheet. You can see how thick the outside cut seems to be. The two slots under the ring are the diameter guides for the tower dowels. ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Semroc Little Joe II build Part 13 Command Module (2010-09-23)
The shroud has been formed the large ring edge tapered. Here's a top view of the assembled parts up to step 7. The escape tower motor unit (Step 2) isn't glued together yet, clay nose weight will go ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Semroc Little Joe II Build Part 13 Tower (2010-09-24)
In Step 8, two of the four 1/12" diameter dowels are sanded down to .058 diameter. The other two are sanded to a new diameter of .041. On the laser cut card stock sheet there are "feeler gauges" to ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Semroc Little Joe II Build Part 14 Tower (2010-09-24)
Take a close look at the Semroc tower pattern. With a pencil and straightedge I've extended the cut lines past what was printed on the pattern. This makes cutting the dowel length and angles easier. ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Semroc Little Joe II Build Part 15 Tower (2010-09-28)
The best recommendation I can give you on the tower is to take the extra few moments to get the strut end angles correct. It's a fine line here - you want a slight friction fit between the two ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Semroc Little Joe II Part 16 Tower (2010-09-29)
Here's the tower sides, all four glued together. One thing I learned after the tower sides were glued - every other "Z" diagonal brace side should be reversed as shown in this drawing. (Click on the ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Semroc Little Joe II Build Part 17 Tower (2010-09-30)
The Semroc instructions have you glue the tower onto the Command Module capsule before the V strut assemblies are in place. I found it easier to glue them in place now. Looking ahead, I wanted to ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Semroc Little Joe II Build Part 18 Tower (2010-09-30)
No doubt about it, the tower is a tough build! The outside four sides weren't hard to glue up, but the inside V strut assembly took too much effort. Earlier, the O ring (in the middle) was split and ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: I blame Chris (my first LJ II post) (2010-10-01)
At least I will some time tomorrow. That is, after reading and enjoying his detailed posts on the Semroc Little Joe II , I decided to start mine. The body is moving along well and really ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Semroc Little Joe II Part 19 Tower Nozzles (2010-10-01)
In Step 18, the four escape motor nozzles are made. The shape of the nozzles on the shroud sheet look strange. That "S" shaped wavy inside line gives you the correct angle when gluing underneath the ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Semroc Little Joe II Part 20 Paint Plan (2010-10-02)
I couldn't quite understand the Semroc painting instructions. I went over to JimZs site for the Estes Little Joe painting information: Scroll down to ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Little Joe II Part 21 Tower and Vanes (2010-10-03)
I have to back track a little here - In Step 14, you set the lower end of the tower jig on the top of the capsule. Using a dowel, you make "half-holes" by pressing the dowel into the balsa. You have ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Little Joe II Part 22 Tower Painting (2010-10-03)
I mentioned earlier that the tower would be painted in sub assembles and then glued together. Understand when building this way, you do compromise some strength of the tower by gluing after ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Semroc Little Joe Part 23 Capsule Paint (2010-10-04)
Before the capsule was painted silver, I pushed small squares of masking tape in the half-circle indentations made earlier. This will keep the paint out and give just a little more gluing area. ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Semroc Little Joe II Part 24 Tower (2010-10-05)
The black tower skirt took a lot of adjustments to get straight. Like I did before on the tower bottom, four different 90 degree turns were checked to find the best upright position BT-3 escape ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Semroc Little Joe FINISHED! (2010-10-06)
A long, but rewarding build. Not my best work, but certainly better than my first Estes Little Joe build in the mid 1970s. One day soon I'll have the courage to fly it. For now, it's ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Little Joe II - Frankenstein style (2010-10-06)
No, I didn't go bonkers and decide to paint it in a Halloween motif. However, the finish job will be a 'parts is parts' mishmash of (per ROTW): From the wraps down it will basically be ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Semroc Little Joe II (2011-03-22)
This 1/70 scale Little Joe II is one of Semroc’s “Retro-Repro” line of kits. It includes a separately bagged Apollo capsule kit and is billed as a Skill Level-4 “Master” kit. The base ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Little Joe II Available? (2016-01-14)
Yesterday on YORF, Brent posted: Now showing in stock. While still listed in the "Coming Soon" page, there is an "Add To Cart" button, But ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: New Estes Little Joe Instructions are Online! (2016-01-15)
I was surprised to find the new Little Joe II instruction PDF on the Estes website this morning: CLICK HERE It usually takes a while for new kit instructions to be posted. For all those waiting for ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Little Joe II Unboxing (2016-01-21)
On TRF, George Gassaway posted a link to the Little Joe II "un-boxing". James Duffy ( opens the box and narrates. To see the video, CLICK HERE At 11:20 the large water slide roll ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Estes Little Joe II Kit Observations (2016-01-25)
It's going to be a bit before I assemble the new Estes Little Joe. I know there'll be plenty of build threads, JeffyJeep has already started his on TRF. Two things I did notice opening the box - ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Little Joe II Adhesive Tips? (2016-04-01)
Some builder's have had problems gluing together the different plastics in the new Estes Little Joe II kit. John Pursley ( has put together a page of gluing tips. CLICK HERE Different ... [Read More]
Shroudlines: Wrapping Up a Scale Bird! (2017-02-09)
About a year ago I got an Estes Little Joe II kit. Of course I haven't even thought about starting it yet, but recently I purchased a little something to get me pushed in the right direction... ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Estes Apollo Little Joe II Build, Part 2, More Parts (2017-06-11)
Many of the kit parts are exclusive to this kit only. I'll show a little more about the components than a single picture. On the side of the box, Estes gave credit to the original Centuri kit. They ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Estes Apollo Little Joe II Build, Part 3, Still More Parts (2017-06-11)
That large water slide decal wrap would be very difficult to apply. I'll probably cut it into smaller segments, maybe even cutting out the squares individually. Ask anybody who has tried to apply ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: More Little Joe II Stuff (2017-06-11)
For those of you who might like to try your hand at scratch building a Little Joe II model rocket in whatever scale, there was a good set of scale drawings published in the September, 1969 ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Estes Apollo Little Joe II Build, Part 4, Tube Prepping (2017-06-12)
Only the top of the main body tube needs the seam filled. The lower half will be covered by the vacu-form wrap. With the wrap even with the bottom of the tube, a pencil line was drawn around the top ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Estes Apollo Little Joe II Build, Part 5, Tube Prepping (2017-06-12)
TIP: Before treating the upper tube edge with medium (CA) Super Glue, check to be sure there are no lifted inside spirals. If a lift is starting, glue it down now with wood glue. You won't be able ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Estes Apollo Little Joe II Build, Part 6, Wrap Adhesion (2017-06-13)
On the Rocketry Forum build thread James Duffy used the 3M High Strength 90 adhesive, George Gassaway used the 3m Type 77 adhesive. I wanted to make the right choice, you only have one shot to get ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Estes Apollo Little Joe II Build, Part 7, Wrap Adhesion (2017-06-13)
Small rolls of tape with the sticky side out held the wrap onto a piece of cardboard for spraying. I don't mean to insult anybody's intelligence, but be sure you have the underside of the wrap ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Estes Apollo Little Joe II Build, Part 8, Tunnels and Longerons (2017-06-14)
You'll be using the full size positioning guide to glue on the tunnels and longerons. That line from the center out is the joint of the body tube wrap. The longest piece, Part M, sits to the right ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Estes Apollo Little Joe II Build, Part 9, Tunnels and Longerons (2017-06-15)
Be sure you check the Rocket Finishing drawings on Page 7 before gluing on the smaller longerons. On Page 3, drawings 10 and 11 make it look like the pieces are glued higher up on the body. All the ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: No Resoultions: Part 2 (2018-01-16)
I spent part of last night outlining my upcoming 4-month project agenda, and even gathering the parts kits for some of them; 1. MPC Lunar Patrol - I started this one in 2016, and it's going ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: Busy Weekend In The BlastFromThePast Rocket Laboratory (2018-03-26)
Greetings, Blog Followers This past weekend I finally was given a substantial block of time to get into the shop and actually work on some rocketry projects. First item on the agenda was to drive up ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Estes Wolverine Downscale "HOW TO" Pt.1 (2010-09-23)
UPCOMING PROJECT - I've been away from home for the past three days and have been posting some Little Joe II steps that have been saved earlier. Until I get back home tonight, here's something I've ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Already antsy to launch, building is in the doldrums (2010-09-25)
A mere week after ESL-148, I'm already itching to launch. My October launches are still up in the air and the prospects of missing them is fueling the itch. I have NARHAMS and then Red ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Little Joe II dowel sanding (2010-10-01)
Woohoo, sanding the dowels wasn't that bad. I used a different method than Chris did . I have not doubt that my dowels have some flattened spots but I'm sure they are close enough! ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Little Joe II - thoughts on the paint scheme (updated, already) (2010-10-01)
Looking quickly on-line, I basically see 2 variants - one with the bottom 2/3 or so silver and the top section/capsule white (excluding trim items), and one with the whole body silver and a white ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Little Joe II - tower construction has begun! (updated) (2010-10-03)
So far so good. I cut all the dowels required for the main struts. I carefully laid them out in order off to the side. The kit includes template guides as shown in the ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Hobby Lobby report (2010-10-05)
I went by the Hobby Lobby in Columbia, MD today. They stocked Estes motors from 1/2A through E9 and a small number of kits. Fewer kits than I expected, but more than Michael's ever ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Little Joe II - stick a fork in it (2010-10-07)
Well, here it is in probably its best view. I am not really happy with it but, it is what it is. The white is Krylon white, the silver is Rusoleum Titanium Metalflake, the black trim ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Little Joe II - pre-flight landing damage (stupid rocket tricks #16 & #17) (2010-10-12)
This model in jinxed. I think I mentioned that I dropped the LJ II twice during construction. That number is up to four. Event number three (and SRT #16) was the capsule only. ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: A Little Joe II for those who hate to build towers (2010-10-18)
Under a General Dynamics/NASA proposal, the Little Joe II/Lunar Excursion Module (LEM) would have boosted an Apollo LEM to close to 200,000' where the descent engines could be tested in near ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Countin' my chickens before they hatch FLY (2011-03-18)
The literal count is one, one Ballistic Chicken. But what I was getting at in the title is that I have laid out and prepped my rockets for tomorrow; and I even built a couple of reloads. Last ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Launch Report 2011-01 (2011-03-20)
Location: Price, MD ( MDRA ESL-154) Weather: partly cloudy, low 50's, wind 0 - 5 MPH Total flights: Today - 11; YTD - 11 Total motors: Today - 21; YTD - 21 I left very early under the light of the ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Saturn Towers (2011-06-21)
I've built a lot of towers over the years. For comparison, here's the Saturn towers from various kits. On the upper left is the BT-20 based Dr. Zooch Saturn V tower. It's really a silhouette tower, ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Convair Little Joe II (2011-11-11)
Convair Little Joe II , a photo by San Diego Air & Space Museum Archives on Flickr. The SDASM just uploaded a ton of space and rocket scans. Navigate forward and backwards(mostly)from the ... [Read More]
Meatball Rocketry: George's Little Joe II Pages (2012-09-10)
If you’ve never visited George Gassaway’s site, be sure to check it out. There is a ton of useful and interesting stuff there including his award-winning Space Shuttle project, as ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Semroc SPEV Build Part 1 Parts (2013-09-13)
The original Estes S.P.E.V. was said to be a S pare P arts E limination V ehicle. The facecard called it a SP ace E xploration V ehicle. You can see the profile of the (then discontinued) Thor ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: My flyable fleet (2013-10-10)
After seeing ~1/10 of Dave Bucher's huge fleet on Facebook, I thought I'd snapshot mine, which consists of a paltry 233 birds. First sort criteria is a column that's not showing, breaking the list ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Shaping Nike Style Fins TIP (2014-12-22)
Gordon (Sandman on TRF and drew up how he forms the diamond taper on Nike Fins. The original post is HERE s croll down to post #41 The original PDF (at the right) ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Semroc Orders Log-In (2015-02-23)
I was able to log into the Semroc website and looked at my old orders. I got back into the hobby in 2006. Below are the first kits I ordered, in order. It's easy to see I was re-living my teen years ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Estes (Centuri) Little Joe II !!! (2015-10-02)
Just added to the Estes Coming Soon page - This is based on the older Centuri Little Joe II, the BIG one. It'll use the D12-3 engine instead of a cluster. CLICK HERE to see the Estes webpage. ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: Miscellany... (2015-10-04)
The weather has positively sucked the past several days - dreary, dismal, and wet. Our Fall seasons are normally very nice, but this one has started out poorly. The forecast shows some potentially ... [Read More]
Rich's Rockets: A couple of things I just noticed (2016-02-12)
A couple of things I just noticed: On the Estes web site there is a Little Joe II plastic parts set:…astic-parts-set and a Mercury Redstone capsule plastic ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: A special club meeting... (2016-08-07)
On Thursday evenings from mid-March to mid-October, the U.S. Space and Rocket Center hosts a biergarten dinner in the Davidson Center underneath the giant Saturn V - A perfect combination of beer, ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Decal PDFs For Patreon Support Members (2020-08-13)
Here's a list of the Print at Home PDF decals available to Patreon Supporters: PATREON DECAL PDFs ESTES Estes Green Eggs Scrambler K-37, #1237 Decal .pdf Makes the Estes Green Eggs kit ... [Read More]
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