"Vital Signs" High-power Rocket Launch 20150912 (2015-09-16)Launch of my Rush-themed rocket "Vital Signs" on September 12, 2015 with Tripoli Minnesota at our awesome North Branch MN sod farm field. Rocket is a modified Madcow 4" Little John with an altimeter ... [View]
Madcow 54mm Little John Rocket Launch, NAR L2 Certification (2016-11-16)After travelling to California for my Level 1 Cert in May, I went back in November for Rocstock and a Level 2 attempt. Aerotech DMS J250W. Projected altitude 5057'. Jolly Logic Chute Release at ... [View]
Mercury Restone 2018 Scott Szympruch Little John (2018-04-09)Maryland Delaware Rocketry Association's Mercury Redstone Launch hobby rocket flight. [View]