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All Videos by majrivers

East High School launches a BIG Rocket (2012-01-11)

Master Sargent Luster and a group of East High School students launch a six foot rocket that they built. In all they have launced over 100 rockets! Model rocketry is NOT just a "fun" activity, it can and does involve every educational discipline. Air Force JROTC should not focus on drill but on science, aerospace science. Air Force instructors were not afraid to introduce cadets to the language that accompanies this rocket science. The proof is evident is the success of this program however these pioneers and others like them need your help. Please support educators who make a difference, who without funding dig in their pockets for the resources they need to fund programs like this. What can you do? Write, school boards, administrators, politicians and others who make policy to offer more programs that focus on problem solving and critical thinking skills. Programs that can transfer skills learned in the classroom to twenty first century jobs.

Multiple Rocket Launch East High School (2011-08-18)

MSgt. Luster and students launch rockets at closure of East High School. This was the only rocket program in the Cleveland Metro School District. Rocketry was linked to the aeronautical engineering project (paper airplanes) and involved problem solving and critical thinking skills. Greater expectations yield greater results. Embrace technology!

Rocketry at East High School, Cleveland Ohio (2012-01-11)

East High School Air Force JROTC was fortunate to have the Air Force, private investors and the two Air Force Instructors fund its' rocketry program. Although funding is important it would have been much more valuable to have had administrative support for this kind of program. Advertising is the key. That is why our JROTC cadets also had the responsibility to document each step of the process to build a rocket. We hope that, someday, someone will profit from our success or our failure and build an even better program. WE TEACH BECAUSE WE HAVE HOPE FOR THOSE WHO SOCIETY SAYS HAVE NO HOPE. Major Rivers Baldridge Jr.