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Rocketry Videos

Videos / Clubs / Mantua Township Missile Agency (MTMA)

 Rocketry Club: Mantua Township Missile Agency

Aurora X5 Omnia - flight 4 October 23, 2010 (2010-10-23)
My last launch of the day during the MTMA October 23, 2010 meet. Got ground footage with the iPhone, and onboard video from the rocket.... Flown on an Estes E9-4. Ejection was a bit short as the ... [View]
Perseus X4 "Eagle" liftoff on F-24 @ TORC Fest 11/6/2010 (2010-11-24)
Perseus X4 booster "Eagle" on Aerotech F-24 @ Springfiled Ohio TORC Fest 11/7/2010. Altitude, approx: 1380 feet [View]