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Flight Log - 2011-08-27 - Mark Kulka's FlisKits Diminutive Deuce

FlisKits' downscale of their own Deuces' Wild kit. Canted cluster with 2x1/8A0.5-1

Flight Date: 2011-08-27
Rocket Name: FlisKits Diminutive Deuce
Kit Name: FlisKits - Diminutive Deuce {Kit} (MX005)
Flyer's Name: Mark Kulka
Motors: 2x1/8A-1
Expected Altitude: 60 Feet
Wind Speed: 2.00 mph
Launch Site: Home
Actual Altitude: 45 Feet

First flight after extensive repair and repaint. Installed foam plug to aid in ejection of streamer and replaced crepe paper streamer. Sounded like both motors lit, but it left the rod at about a 60 degree angle and headed straight for the tree tops in the woods behind my yard. Heard the distinct pop of the foam plug-aided ejection. Lost in the tree canopy and hasn't been found. RIP-lost.

Update, 09/01/2011: Found it, about 30-40 feet up in the branches of a tree just inside the woods at the back edge of the yard.

What would Hamlet do? (WWHD?)

"To saw, or not to saw, that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take chainsaw against a sea of troubles..."

12 x Quest Micro Maxx II-1


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