Flight Log - 2011-10-08 - Matthew Bond's 1.61x Upscale Mighty Mick "Mega Mick"
Flight Date: 2011-10-08
Rocket Name: 1.61x Upscale Mighty Mick "Mega Mick"
Kit Name: Scratch - Mega Mick {Scratch}
Flyer's Name: Matthew Bond
Motors: G68-8
Expected Altitude: 1,990 Feet
Wind Speed: 2.00 mph
Launch Site: ROC

Nice flight of the Mick, straight and fast off the pad.  Arcing over at the top of the climb, still nose up, not quite done climbing at ejection.  Good chute, moderate amount of drift, lakebed landing, no damage.

1CTI 108G68-13A-8


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