Flight Log - 2011-03-18 - Matthew Bond's 1.77x Upscale Duster "Slick Willy"

An upscaled Thrustline Duster, using Semroc body tubes and nose cone, 1/8" plywood fins, 38mm motor mount.  Dual deploy using a Perfectflight MAWD, 12" Top Flite drogue chute, and a 36" hemispherical main by Spherachutes.  My level 1 certification rocket.

Flight Date: 2011-03-18
Rocket Name: 1.77x Upscale Duster "Slick Willy"
Kit Name: Scratch - Upscale Duster {Scratch}
Flyer's Name: Matthew Bond
Motors: I225-ALTIM
Expected Altitude: 3,490 Feet
Wind Speed: 15.00 mph
Launch Site: Tripoli Las Vegas: Springfest 2011
Actual Altitude: 3,768 Feet

This was going to be my rocket for the "Blackjack 21" contest, fly the same rocket at least 3, but no more than 4 times and get as close to 21,000 ft as possible without going over... bonus altitude for blackjack/smokey motors.  A great idea for a contest.  Awesome boost on the "FastJack" motor put it way up there.  I saw the drogue event, assuming it was at apogee since the rocket wasn't much more than a speck.  Had toruble tracking it on the way down, it was really moving with the wind.  Luckily some folks on the line were able to keep eyes on and eventually we saw the main deploy way out near the edge of the lakebed.  Once it landed I could see the chute bobbing up and down in the wind so I knew the rocket was getting beat up.  Luckily there was another flyer out driving the edge of the lakebed looking for his rocket and he brought mine back in.  I've flown this motor before and got 300 feet more out of it this time.  Unfortunately this turned out to be my last flight at Springfest as the wind came up hard overnight and blew me and my little camping tent back to California.

1Aerotech I225FJ-ALTIM


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