Flight Log - 2012-11-03 - Matthew Bond's 1.77x Upscale Duster "Slick Willy"

An upscaled Thrustline Duster, using Semroc body tubes and nose cone, 1/8" plywood fins, 38mm motor mount.  Dual deploy using a Perfectflight MAWD, 12" Top Flite drogue chute, and a 36" hemispherical main by Spherachutes.  My level 1 certification rocket.

Flight Date: 2012-11-03
Rocket Name: 1.77x Upscale Duster "Slick Willy"
Kit Name: Scratch - Upscale Duster {Scratch}
Flyer's Name: Matthew Bond
Motors: H100-ALTIM
Expected Altitude: 3,050 Feet
Wind Speed: 5.00 mph
Launch Site: SEARS
Actual Altitude: 2,007 Feet

First flight of Slick Willy with a new altimeter.  Upgraded the Perfectflite MAWD with a new Stratologger.  Since I had already put one rocket in the trees and luckily got it back I had been slowly increasing the angle of the launch rail ro try and keep the recovery close.  Good boost off the rail on a CTI H100 I-Max motor.  Unfortunately I overcompensated on this launch, resulting in a severely arcing boost back over and well behind the flight line.  Rocket was travelling horizontal at ejection, with good drogue deployment.  Good main deployment at 700 feet and the rocket touched down in a recently plowed section of the farm about 1/3 of a mile away.  No damage to the rocket, reported altitude was substantially lower than predicted, which might be a result of the non vertical boost, but I wouldn't have guessed it was that low.  Noted that the ground elevation reported by the altimeter was negative, which actually seemed reasonable based on the actual altitude of the field and the ambient conditions.  My other rockets which are still flying with older MAWDs did not have this issue, I will have to check with perfectflite to see if there is an update to the dat capture program.  All in all not a great flight, but nothing bad came of it so we'll just call it a learning experience and send it up again.

1CTI 286H100-15A-ALTIM


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