Flight Log - 2013-01-12 - Matthew Bond's 2.13x Upscale Zack Attack "Bad Zack"
Flight Date: 2013-01-12
Rocket Name: 2.13x Upscale Zack Attack "Bad Zack"
Flyer's Name: Matthew Bond
Motors: G80-9
Expected Altitude: 1,770 Feet
Wind Speed: 10.00 mph
Launch Site: SEARS

Swapped out the chute for a smaller 24" hemispherical based on the winds.  Nice skidmark flight, loud and proud off the rod.  Arcing back into the wind at the top of the climb, still nose up, almost to apogee at ejection.  Good chute, moderate amount of drift, grass landing on the cow pasture, no damage.

1CTI 93G80-14A-9


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