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Flight Log - 2014-02-22 - Matthew Bond's 2.13x Upscale Zack Attack "Bad Zack"
Flight Date: 2014-02-22
Rocket Name: 2.13x Upscale Zack Attack "Bad Zack"
Flyer's Name: Matthew Bond
Motors: G75-10
Expected Altitude: 2,645 Feet
Wind Speed: 3.00 mph
Launch Site: GRITS 2014

Another motor/rocket combo I've been waiting to try.  Nice boost, smooth and straight, arcing into the wind at the top of the climb.  Lost sight after motor burnout, but picked up the tracking smoke way up high.  Looked to be at or slightly past apogee at ejection.  Good chute, long time coming down.  Landed on the field, no damage.  Flown with a Jolly Logic Altimeter II but the unit did not record any data.

1Aerotech G75J-10


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