Flight Log - 2011-11-11 - Matthew Bond's 2.13x Upscale Zack Attack "Bad Zack"
Flight Date: 2011-11-11
Rocket Name: 2.13x Upscale Zack Attack "Bad Zack"
Flyer's Name: Matthew Bond
Motors: G83-9
Expected Altitude: 1,870 Feet
Wind Speed: 9.00 mph
Launch Site: ROCstock XXXIV

Another nice flight for Bad Zack.  Very quick off the rod, arcing into the wind.  Near apogee, travelling horizontal at ejection.  Good chute, fair amount of drift.  Moving with the wind on landing, took a good tumble on the lakebed.  Lip of the booster section a bit beat up, still flyable, but will need some attention before too long.

1CTI 107G83-14A-9


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