| Callisto 101109 (2011-06-03)      Public Missiles Callisto rocket flying on an Aerotech G64W reloadable motor with a Booster Vision Gear CAM DVR on board taking the video. Having the camera and the already installed mirror housing attached to the side of the tube apparently introduced some spin to the rocket! The rocket was flown at the monthly meeting/sport launch of Launch Crue, NAR section 519, in Holland Indiana. More pictures and videos on my website : www.mborman.org
 | Callisto Rocket Onboard Video (2011-07-02)      Mike Borman's PML Callisto Rocket Onboard Video Flight, May 4, 2008, at Launch Crue's May Regional Contest in Holland, Indiana. Rocket motor was an Aerotech G64W composite reload.
 | Elipse 061310.mpeg (2011-07-31)      Launch of Mike Borman's Giant Leap Elipse rocket powered by an Aerotech J350W motor and carrying an onboard Garmin GPS for tracking, Booster Vision Gearcam onboard video camera, and altimeter for deployment of the drogue chute at apogee, and the main chute at around 200 feet. More pictures and video can be seen on Mike Borman's website at www.mborman.org . The flight took place at Launch Crue's June 13, 2010 meeting/sport launch in Holland, Indiana. The altimeter reported that the rocket reached an altitude of 2571 feet. The rocket came very close to landing in a pond that can be seen at the end of the onboard video segment.
 | Elipse Rocket Onboard Video110809 (2011-07-05)      Mike Borman's Giant Leap Elipse Rocket Onboard Video Recorded November 8th, 2009. The Rocket carried a Booster Vision Gearcam DVR, a Garmin Astro GPS for tracking, and a Missile Works altimeter for deploying a drogue chute at apogee and main chute at 500 feet. The rocket reached a maximum altitude of 1537 feet. More pictures of the flight can be seen a www.mborman.org .
 | Elipse061811.wmv (2011-08-08)      Flight of Mike Borman's Giant Leap Elipse rocket on an Aerotech I211W rocket motor to 1366 feet on June 18, 2011. The rocket carried a Garmin Astro GPS and Booster Vision Gearcam video camera. A Missile Works altimeter deployed a drogue chute at apogee and the main chute at 600 feet. The rocket was flown at Launch Crue's regional contest near Holland, Indiana. Still pictures from this flight can be seen on my website at www.mborman.org .
 | Giant Leap Firestorm 54 rocket on an Aerotech I-161W (2011-05-31)      Launch and onboard video from Mike Borman's Giant Leap Firestorm 54 rocket on an Aerotech I-161W motor to 2131 feet at Launch Crue's January meeting/sport launch in Holland, Indiana on January 9, 2011. The rocket carried a Booster Vision Gearcam DVR and Missile Works altimeter for deployment of a drogue chute at apogee and the main chute at 500 feet.
 | Launch of Mike Borman's Giant Leap Elipse rocket on an Aerotech J350W (2011-07-13)      Launch of Mike Borman's Giant Leap Elipse rocket on an Aerotech J350W motor to 2687 feet. The rocket carried a Garmin Astro GPS for tracking, and an onboard Boostervision Gearcam video camera. The flight took place at Launch Crue's July 10, 2011 Meeting/Sport Launch/Picnic near Holland, Indiana. The video starts with the prep and launch of the rocket followed by the onboard video. Still pictures of the flight as well as links to other rocket videos can be seen on Mike's Astronomy, Rocketry, and Weather website at www.mborman.org
 | Magnum M Rocket at NARAM-38 (2011-07-13)      The flight of Ross Dunton's "M" powered Magnum Rocket at NARAM-38 in Evansville, Indiana.
 | Quasar CPR I211W 11 6 2010 (2011-06-24)      Flight of Mike Borman's PML Quasar with altimeter chute deployment, onboard GPS for tracking, and Booster Vision Gearcam DVR camera for onboard video. The rocket was launched on an Aerotech I211W motor to 2524 feet AGL. The flight took place in Holland, Indiana at Launch Crue's November 6, 2010 meeting and sport launch.
 | Quasar032710 (2011-06-26)      Flight of Mike Borman's PML Quasar with CPR on an Aerotech I211W motor at Launch Crue's March 2010 regional contest and sport launch in Holland, Indiana. The onboard altimeter reported 2307 feet as the maximum altitude. The short segment of video of the launch was taken with a Sony webcam mounted on a tripod near the pad. The onboard video was taken with a Booster Vision Gearcam.
 | Small Endeavor 071710.wmv (2011-06-03)      Onboard video from Mike Borman's PML Small Endeavor rocket that was launched July 17, 2010 from a site near Holland, Indiana, USA. The rocket used an altimeter for close proximity recovery, and carried a Garmin GPS for tracking, and a Booster Vision Gearcam for capturing video. The rocket motor used was an Aerotech I211W. The rocket reached a maximum altitude of 2680 feet. The video has been slowed down to make out ground details more closely. Since slowing it down also distorted the audio, the audio has been deleted. Still pictures of this flight and other flights can be seen on my website at www.mborman.org .
 | Small Endeavor 121309.avi (2011-10-20)      Launch of Mike Borman's PML Small Endeavor with CPR recovery and onboard Booster Vision Gearcam video camera. The first part of the video shows the launch from a nearby tripod mounted Sony Mobile HD Snap Camera followed by the video captured by the camera onboard the rocket itself. The rocket motor used was an Aerotech H180W. The onboard altimeter deployed the drogue parachute early at only 660 feet due to the altimeter bay not being sealed well (o-ring slipped out of place). The main chute then deployed at around 600 feet. There was no damage to the rocket. The rocket was flown at Launch Crue's December 2009 Meeting/Sport Launch near Holland, Indiana. For still pictures of the launch, see Launch Crue's website at www.launchcrue.org .