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Who's Who >>

Mike Caplinger

Location: San Diego, CA

Certification Level: L3 NAR

Club Memberships: NAR, DART/Tripoli San Diego


My first rocket was a Centuri Javelin circa 1968.  In the late 60s and early 70s I built about half of the Estes and Centuri lineups, though I built more than I flew in those days.  My first flight as a BAR was on New Year's Day 2009, an Estes D-Region Tomahawk on a D12; I did my L1 and L2 about three months later.  Following a series of complex flight attempts in the fall of 2010, I figured it would be easier to go ahead and do my L3, which I finished in March of 2011.


Favorite Quote:

it is simplicity that is difficult to make. — Bertholdt Brecht

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