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All Videos by MMPVideo1981

Model Rocket - Hi-Jinks Launch 8 (9/14/2010) (2011-10-09)

First high powered C launch of Hi-Jinks. No wind at all and perfectly clear skies allowed the test. Perfect launch, perfect parachute deploy. Rocket drifted about 300 yards northwest. Daniel caught it as it landed in the street in front of Lincoln School.

Model Rocket - Phoenix 2 Launch 5 (2/26/2011) (2011-07-05)

Cold (22). Wind was calm, though picked up a bit as the rocket was prepped (no measurement; the wind meter didn't work). Took 2x to launch and several seconds to ignite engine. Good flight. Landed about 5 yards NE of the launch site. Onboard camera recorded flight. Good parachute deploy. First flight during snowfall. Original music was "Sweet Home Chicago" by the Blues Brothers. Play along if you like!

Model Rocket - Rocket Cam 1 (2010) (2011-07-31)

The first (and last) successful flight of "Rocket Cam 1" carrying a video camera onboard.(June 7, 2010). This was a modified Estes LoadStar kit.

Model Rocket - Rocket Cam 1 Launch 2 (6/7/2010) (2011-07-13)

High powered flight. Parachute did not deploy. Camera did not record flight. Rocket damaged beyond repair. Camera damaged.

Model Rocket - Rocket Launches (6/5/2010) (2011-07-13)

Short flight with B engine to gauge wind. Landed on roof of school, but someone helped get it down. "ERR" when measuring speed and height. High powered launch. Landed in a backyard. Rocket body landed on the roof and got stuck in a gutter. Unable to find nosecone. Low powered flight with video camera in the body. Two misfires with igniter before successful launch.

Model Rocket - Skyhawker Launch 4 (9/14/2010) (2011-07-13)

First high powered C launch of Skyhawker. Launched with light, but did not turn on (as it was still very bright out).