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Model Rocket Building Blog

Estes Doorknob, #9720 Build, Part 1, Parts
The stocky body, orange and white roll pattern set this one off! The parts were all of good quality. 3" diameter heavy slotted tubing and 18" parachute. Parts of interest: That BIG nose cone Peel and stick metallic trim bands 29mm engine retainer rings There is also a "sport" decor. Buy the kit, ...
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Estes Doorknob, #9720 Build, Part 2, Engine Mount
The green ring had a burr that needed smoothing. I turned it against the nose cone, but it still required some sanding to slide over the engine mount tube. This instruction picture was a little confusing. The ring is used to position the spacing of the lower B ring. Don't glue the green ring on ...
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Estes Doorknob, #9720 Build, Part 3, Fin Shaping
You can build the model as scale or sport style. On the left is the Scale fin with the diamond taper leading edge. The Sport fin has a rounded leading edge. If you extend a parallel line from the lower left fin tip to the root edge, the shaded taper shown above is a little lower. The inset picture ...
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Estes Doorknob, #9720 Build, Part 4, Fin Filling
Here's the scale fin after shaping. On the right are all four fins. Notice the black line, thin and centered down the leading edge. This is all the black that is left after shaping the scale fin. The black ink is only on the surface, not soaked into the balsa because of the CA glue coat.  ...
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