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Model Rocket Building Blog

Estes Mini Max #2445 Build, Part 1, Parts
Yeah, I know what you are thinking - Why do a build on such a simple, small rocket? There is going to be some interesting decal treatments on one of the two Mini Max models I'll be building. There will be some tips for home printing from online decal scans. Stay tuned - How could you pass up a Max ...
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Estes Mini Max #2445 Build, Part 2, Nose Cone Prep
At the top is the current version of the PNC-60AH nose cone in the Red Max kit at 6.7". The inset shows the Mini Max nose cone. About 3 1/8" is exposed. It turns out the Mini Max nose cone is not a true downscale. It should be closer to 4" long. The nose cone shoulder is different. The vertical ...
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Estes Mini Max #2445 Build, Part 3, Engine Mount
I cut off the finger tab. On a model this small with the finger tab extended far out the back, it might not stand upright on the fin tips. On the left is the upper bend. The sharp corners have been rounded off with a file. I knock off the corners slightly for easier insertion of an engine. This ...
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Estes Mini Max #2445 Build, Part 4, Engine Mount
I used the rotary punch to make a engine hook relief notch and a small hole for the Kevlar line in the upper ring. Here's how the centering rings look after the punches. The lower ring is on the left, upper ring is on the right. And, the finished engine mount with the Kevlar line tied on.
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Estes Mini Max #2445 Build, Part 5, Ends and Edges
One side of the BT-50 tube was a little out of round. I decided to glue the engine mount in the ovaled side so the centering rings would form it back to a perfect circle. To place the glue for the engine mount, cut a strip of balsa from the fin stock. Always hang onto the excess fin balsa. I have ...
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Estes Mini Max #2445 Build, Part 6, Fin Fill and Glue
After brushing on some thinned CWF the wood grain was raised. The inset picture is after sanding. Some of the raised grain was sanded off leaving open pores. More CWF followed and smooth sanding. I glue on the launch lug before marking the body tube for the fins. It's just easier to line up the ...
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Estes Mini Max #2445 Build, Part 7, Decals From Decals, Tips, Part A
This is one of those posts where I happened on something that could help in making decals for cloned models. Some online decal scans have light blue or discolored backgrounds. Using the "Threshold" setting in your photo software could really clean up your home print decals. One of the two Mini Red ...
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Estes Mini Max #2445 Build, Part 8, Decals From Decals, Tips Part B
The Excelsior art is good but I didn't like the layout of the "kills" decal. The spacing and art sizing seemed off. I wanted something closer to the layout on the standard Red Max model. I played around with the "bugs" and came up with the art on the right side. Some bugs were resized, some ...
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Estes Mini Max #2445 Build, Part 9, Decal Application
I still have some grain to fill after the white undercoat was sprayed. It was hit with more CWF rubbed in with a finger and sanded to surface. The model was sprayed pink, the nose cone black, no masking! The "Hits" decal ended up bit wide. I cut off one vertical row off the right side for a better ...
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Estes Mini Max #2445 Build, Part 10, Streamer
The supplied streamer looks to be cut from table top covering plastic. This plastic sheet is textured. Usually one side has a rougher texture than the other. Run your fingers down the streamer to feel which side is smoother. TIP: The smooth side will adhere better to the tape set over the shock ...
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Estes Mini Max #2445 Build, Pink Max Finished
The "Kitty and Crossbones" fin decal didn't get the white layer underneath, it would be too hard to cut it accurately. It's not really noticeable over the light pink paint. It's a cute rocket and a good companion to the standard size Pink Max rocket.
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