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Model Rocket Building Blog

FlisKits MMX Crayon Build Part 1, Parts
I haven't built a MMX rocket in a while. They are great first launch of the day models to test the controller, rod angle and winds. This one is almost a minimum diameter and should be fast with good altitude. Parts quality is very good. The engine mount tube is a BT-2.5, just under 2" long. The ...
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FlisKits MMX Crayon Build Part 2, Engine Mount
The tiny engine block is glued into the BT-2.5 tube using a MMX engine casing. For a "stop" some tape was wrapped 1/8" on the bottom of the casing. A ring of glue was set inside with a dowel. The engine block was set in the tube and pressed into place with the casing up to the tape ring. The ...
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FlisKits MMX Crayon Build Part 3, Fin Cuts and Fill
The fin pattern seemed pretty large, I scaled them down a bit. I've lined up the edge of the clear stock with the root edge of the pattern. There's no need to cut all the way through. Score the plastic and crack the plastic apart. The model has three fins. You have plenty of extra material left ...
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FlisKits MMX Crayon Build Part 4, Paint and Shock Cord
It would be easier to paint the model before the clear fins are glued on. The upper and lower sections got a shot of gray primer/filler and smooth sanding with 400 grit. Be sure to mask off the exposed engine tube and centering rings. The lower half was painted black, the upper crayon ...
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FlisKits MMX Crayon Build Part 5, Crayon Wrap
Before gluing the wrap, pre-curl the paper. Set the paper in the heel of your hand and roll over it with a dowel. The back of the wrap got a coat of clear glue stick. The edge was set down on a pencil line down the body tube. Continue rolling the wrap around the tube smoothing it out as you go. ...
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FlisKits MMX Crayon Build Part 5A, Email
From: J. Brian Coyle To:  HANS MICHIELSSEN Sent:  Thursday, February 6, 2014 7:07 PM Subject:  Fliskits MMX Crayon On today's blog You wrote: "The print on the ends didn't really match up. If it were drawn again I could probably get it closer." Brians response: ...
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FlisKits MMX Crayon Build Part 6, Fin Glue and Shock Cord
Line up the launch lug on the marking guide and mark for the fins. A thin line of paint was scratched off for better adhesion. The scratched line was just a little shorter than the root edge of the fins. A drop of medium CA was set down on a scrap piece of cardboard. Just the root edge of ...
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FlisKits MMX Crayon Build Finished
Even when downsized, the fins still look big! This was a quick, fun build. If you ever want to see how well MicroMaxx engines can perform try one of the 3FNC Micro models from FlisKits. With gloss paint under the construction paper wrap, it really looks like a crayon! It's a perfect match for ...
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The BIG Fix, FlisKits MMX Crayon, Part 1
On it's third launch, my Fliskit Crayon lost a launch lug and the rear centering ring. The clear fins had already been re-glued a few times. The CA glue used on the fins was starting to cloud up the root edges. I didn't have another MMX centering ring or launch lug. Instead of waiting for a ...
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The BIG Fix, FlisKits MMX Crayon, Part 2
The replacement lug was cut from the back end of a ball point pen ink tube. The walls of the ink tube are thicker than a MMX lug but slide easily over a Micro launch rod. The paint had torn off around the old lug glue area. This was touched up with a black Sharpie. The lug was roughed up with ...
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