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FlisKits Triple Threat Build Part 1 Parts
Thanks go out to Ross Mozier, a member and flyer in the local R.O.C.K. section. Russ gave me this kit and 12 MicroMaxx engines! I told him I'd put everything to good use. Ross also gave out kits to kids and spectators at the recent R.O.C.K. launch. Ross mentioned that all the parts might not ...
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FlisKits Triple Threat Build Part 2 Fins
The fins on this kit are well printed on self adhesive stock. You cut out the fins, peel off the backing and apply to the balsa. The instructions tell you to cut out the fins outside the lines (leaving a border) on the left side print. You do cut on the leading edge. (no border here) This ...
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FlisKits Triple Threat Build Part 3 Sticky? Uh- Oh!
Before going any further, The problems I had with the "Crack and Peel" self adhesive print is not directed at FlisKits. Everything I've ever built from FlisKits has been great! My problem was the adhesive on the peel and stick prints. This kit has probably been stored for a few years. The adhesive ...
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FlisKits Triple Threat Build Part 4 Fin Plates
I glued the left side of the fin plates on the balsa with a coat of white glue. After the fins plates had dried the border excess is cut off to the printed lines. This picture shows the fin flipped over ready for gluing the right side plate on. The right side of the fin plates are cut to shape and ...
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FlisKits Triple Threat Build Part 5 Engine Tube Wrap
The BT-5 motor tube also gets a skin wrap. The self adhesive back was sanded off so it had to be glued in place. A line is drawn down the tube for aligning the wrap edge. When using a thin coat of white glue you are working against the clock so I thought it would be better to do this in two steps ...
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FlisKits Triple Threat Build Part 6 Fin Prep and Glue
I was careful to align the fin plates but there was a little bit of overhang to clean up. A sanding block evened up the sides. Some of the paper fin plates won't sand off. The edges will roll around and onto the balsa sides. Look close and you'll see the white edges of the plates. Trim them off ...
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FlisKits Triple Threat Build Part 7 Persephone Lower Shroud
The larger shroud of the round Persephone Saucer was easily cut out with scissors. TIP: You might find it easier to cut round circles and arcs with scissors. Cut the straight lines with a straightedge and hobby knife. The fin alignment lines are printed on the larger shrouds. A line of glue is set ...
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FlisKits Triple Threat Build Part 8 Persephone Upper Shroud
This is a dry fit of the smaller, upper shroud on the Persephone Saucer. This shroud tapers in. It's formed "inside out" with the printing on the inside. The only glue is on the root edges of the fins so there were narrow open gaps between the three fin glue contact points. I cut small glue tabs ...
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FlisKits Triple Threat Build Part 9 Wire Antennas
Bending the antenna wires are probably why this kit is a Skill Level 3! This is by far the most difficult and time consuming part of the build. For all three saucers, you would make 11 antennas. All use the same pattern, by the time you've made two of three you'll figure out how to do it right. ...
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FlisKits Triple Threat Build Part 10 Athena Shroud
Here's the five-sided Athena Saucer, The shroud is ready to be glued on the motor mount assembly. I didn't use a fin alignment guide on this five fin model. The fins were easily glued on fin lines printed on the motor wrap. The shroud aligned easily when glued on the leading edges of the fins. ...
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FlisKits Triple Threat Build FINISHED!
Here's two of the Fliskit Triple Threat Saucers. Above is the Persephone , the three finned round saucer. Below is the Athena , the five finned pentagon saucer. In the lower right picture, the launch lug was glued a little away from the body tube to clear the "flair". Should be fun now that A10-0 ...
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