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Mini Mosquito Build Part 1, Parts
Before starting on the build, check back to this older post about the Mini Mosquito instructions HERE This one will be quick! This is the Mini Mosquito packed as a bonus kit with the Mega Mosquito model. It's a repro of the original smallest rocket in the Estes 1972 catalog. There is really ... [Read More]
Mini Mosquito Build Part 2, Gluing It All Together
The nose cone shoulder seemed long so I checked it with a "T" engine in place. The engine extended out the back by about 1/4" so the shoulder length is probably right. The front end of the engine butts right up against the open nose cone shoulder.
The vague multi-lingual instructions say ... [Read More]
Mini Mosquito Build Part 3, Primer, Undercoat and Mask
The gray primer filler has been sprayed and sanded down. You can still see a little of the nose cone / body tube joint.
A white undercoat followed then wet sanding with 400 grit. Two coats of Rusto 2X yellow followed.
Here's the paint mask to match the face card. The black is on one ... [Read More]
Mini Mosquito Build Finished A quick build for a model I'll probably lose anyway! When I can find them, the first flight will be with a 1/4A3-3t engine. The nose cone joint is smooth and the mask came out clean. The yellow is a good color to see against the grass field at the schoolyard. The new water slide "bug" was set on ... [Read More]