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Model Rocket Building Blog

MPC USS Enterprise Build, Part 1, Parts
I'd been curious about the Chinese made MPC licensed kits. This one looks nothing like the Star Trek enterprise except for the parachute and logo. I made a Ebay bid of $.99 and won it! I feel like I only paid for shipping.   Opening the box I was surprised by the BT-60 size diameter ...
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MPC USS Enterprise Build, Part 2, Interesting Parts
Here's the fin can with the engine cap lock ring in place. Look at the inset picture. There is no internal engine mount tube. The engine sits centered between four plastic ribs. No engine block, the top of the ribs wrap over the top of the engine. The locking engine cap is much like the Quest ...
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MPC USS Enterprise Build, Part 3, Tube Connector
The lower end of the tube connector isn't long enough for a mid-break model. It will be replaced with a sized BT-60 coupler. The lower end of the connector was cut off with a razor saw below the shoulder edge. Sand the cut edge smooth. The "X" struts are on the top side after cutting. (In the ...
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MPC USS Enterprise Build, Part 4, 24mm Engine Mount Part A
To make this a 24mm model, there will be a lot of plastic cutting and grinding. The low end of the fin can (left side) will be widened and the interior ribs (right side) will be cut back. The locking engine cap won't be locking when I get through with it. If you cut through along the ...
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MPC USS Enterprise Build, Part 6, Connector and Nose Cone Adjusts
Over time, the built-up card stock end of the connector could unwrap. I also wanted to round over the square end. Some medium CA was applied and the edge rounded with 220 grit. Inside the connector, here's how the shock cord was tied on. The cord went over the "XX" struts. A Duncan ...
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MPC USS Enterprise Build, Part 5, 24mm Engine Mount Part B
What I couldn't reach with the Dremel was trimmed back with my knife. Here's the BT-50H tube in place. You can see the ribs against the tube. Yes, the tube hasn't been cut to the final length yet. The engine cap will need a notch for an engine hook. Rough cut the notch with a knife and ...
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MPC USS Enterprise Build, Part 7, Sub Assemblies
15 minute epoxy was used to glue the BT-50H tube in place. Drops of epoxy were allowed to run down the sides of the ribs and tube. The instructions show plastic glue being applied to the plastic connector and the tubes slid over the shoulders. This would allow the glue to ooze out onto the ...
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MPC USS Enterprise Build, Part 8, Oh Boy - Stickers!
The instructions don't make any mention of the nose cone band. It's on the lower right side of the stick on sheet. You can be as careful as you'd like, but the nose cone wrap sticker won't lay flat! This piece should have been die cut at an arc to fit the nose cone slope. I cut some notches on ...
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MPC USS Enterprise Build, Part 9, Parachute
  The 18" parachute seems big. This model should have a 15" parachute, or cut a spill hole in this one. The print is pretty cool, I wouldn't want to cut a hole in the center of it. The poly sheet is hefty, it feels like 2 mils thick. The tape disks are round and clear. The i ...
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MPC USS Enterprise Finished
  Sometimes a build without painting is a nice break. This was a quick build, most of the time was spent converting it for 24mm engines. Considering the finished model weighs 4.25 oz., a 18mm C6 engine isn't much power. The box specifications say the empty weight is 3.67 oz. ...
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