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Model Rocket Building Blog

MRC Enforcer Build, Part 1, Parts
MRC got into the rocket business in the late 1980s. They sold rockets for just a few years. The Model Rectifier Corporation still sells model trains, RC planes and plastic kits.  The face card illustration makes a model rocket launch seem very dramatic. Big flame and a tower. To see their ...
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MRC Enforcer Build, Part 2, Engine Mount
The engine mount tube was also too thin but should be strong enough with the centering rings and engine block glued on. The lower centering ring was already split for engine hook movement. One bend of the engine hook was pretty small. I didn't trust it so I substituted one of my own. The split ...
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MRC Enforcer Build, Part 3, Engine Mount
Here's the kit supplied engine hook. The instructions say to put the short bend towards the back. It didn't look like there is enough of the hook to hold the engine in at ejection. The split ring is glued on the engine mount tube, even with the back end. The mount is slid in from the rear ...
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MRC Enforcer Build, Part 4, Mylar Body Wrap
The instructions show marking the body tube between two long blocks. Who has two equal long wood blocks of the correct length? I used my aluminum angle to make a pencil line down the body tube. Getting sticky Mylar to roll around a body tube without wrinkles is always a challenge. To start, I ...
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MRC Enforcer Build, Part 5, Mylar Body Wrap and Launch Lug
The Mylar is thin and very shiny. MRC was smart to make the full body wrap in two sections. It's easier to do body wraps in smaller sections. The face card shows the name running down. I set mine so it reads "up". Here's the fully wrapped tube. What's strange is, with both wraps started at the ...
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MRC Enforcer Build, Part 6, Shock Cord Mount
Here's MRC's version of the tri-fold mount. Two sections with the shock cord going through slits. The shock cord is cut from the instruction sheet which seems weak.  I always redraw and cut them out of 110 lb. card stock. A sort length of 1/8" rubber was in the kit. I substituted a longer ...
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MRC Enforcer Build, Finished
This was an interesting "hit or miss" build. The fin unit and nose cone were the best molded plastic parts I've ever seen. The mainframe body tube was unusable. Thin and I doubt would last through the first few flights. The rough brown launch lug could have used a Mylar covering. The parachute was ...
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