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Model Rocket Building Blog

Norris Raketen Aggregat - 9, Background
This is the Noris Raketen AGGREGAT - 9 . I'm building this one for a client. I've seen them on Ebay but never put in a bid. Like the Chinese made MPC rockets, I'm always curious how rocketry is done in other countries. There's not much available online about the rocket, but I did find this: The ...
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Norris Raketen Aggregat - 9, Part 1, Parts
This build kit is from Norris Raketen, a German hobby company. Here's some copy from the Apogee website that pretty much says it all: "This is a warning: These kits are NOT for beginners. They require extra finishing skills from the modeler. I want to point out the negative aspects of these kits ...
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Noris Raketen Aggregat - 9, Part 2, Engine Mount
The engine mount tube was bigger than normal for a 24mm engine. I read that some German engines are 25mm diameter. The inset picture shows a BT-50H (heavy wall) tube slipped inside the kit supplied tube. I'll end up gluing this tube inside the larger one for a better fit without having to use too ...
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Noris Raketen Aggregat - 9, Part 3, Engine Mount
A notch was cut for the switched out engine hook. No engine block was in the kit, I added a 20/50 ring. A engine hook relief notch was cut in the back end of the tailcone. The engine mount tube outside diameter was very loose against the low end of the tailcone. Another centering ring was glued on ...
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Noris Raketen Aggregat - 9, Part 4, Nose Weight
This model requires 45 Grams of nose weight. The kit supplied clay weighed 45.7 grams. I don't make clay worms to be pressed into the nose cone, I find myself chasing the ends around with a dowel. It's easier to pack in small balls of clay. The pointed piece at the top goes in first, right into ...
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Noris Raketen Aggregat - 9, Part 5, Fin Fitting
The two long fins were cut out using the kit supplied templates. I was surprised to find they were 1/2" short of the front of the body tube! Yep, I should have checked the length of the root edges before cutting any wood. Good thing the kit supplied plenty of extra balsa. The nose cone fin ...
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Noris Raketen Aggregat - 9, Part 6, Parachute Shelf
A chute shelf is added so the parachute won't shift down inside the tube during boost, possible shifting the Center of Gravity. The translated instructions don't tell you how to install the shelf. Without some sort of tool to press it in place, this ring will spin around and drive you nuts trying ...
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Noris Raketen Aggregat - 9, Part 7, Main Fin Gluing and Launch Lugs
After the other snags in the kit I double checked the fin placement recesses in the tailcone. They were off! Not by much, but enough that the fins wouldn't be evenly spaced after gluing. The launch lugs are plastic. As per the instructions the ends were cut off at 45 degree angles.
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Noris Raketen Aggregat - 9, Part 8, New Nose Fin Fitting
The top ends of the lower long fins were sanded flush with the body tube end. On the left you can see the fin is just a bit longer than the body tube. New nose cone fins were cut longer so they would go to the top of the nose cone, or closer to it. On the left you can see the fin going beyond the ...
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Noris Raketen Aggregat - 9, Part 9, Lining Up Long Fins
The lower long fins were already glued onto the main body. Where wood was glued to body tube, wood glue was used. When wood was glued to plastic I used the Beacon Fabri-Tac glue. Above the clothespin notice the outside edge of the upper fin is purposely cut wide. After the glue dries I can more ...
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Noris Raketen Aggregat - 9, Part 10, Short Fin Fitting
The smaller fins are cut from thick mat board, almost 1/16" thick. The instructions say something about coating these fins with a glue and water mixture to seal them. I'll just use primer. I did use some white glue to seal and round off the fin edges. A bead of white glue was set down the edge and ...
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Noris Raketen Aggregat - 9, Part 11, Masking For The Black
Here's the start of the fin mask. The edges were set using Scotch tape. The tape was hit with a marker before being cut to better see the clear edges. Note for novice builders - Paint masking lines will never be sharp unless the surfaces underneath are clean and smooth. While some builders pay ...
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Noris Raketen Aggregat - 9, Part 13, The Canopy
The rubber canopy was different. It was molded with a flat bottom.  There is no way it'll fit the nose cone curvature. I held some 220 grit around a BT-55 and sanded the bottom. The rubber rolled around and was pushed to the outside edges. It was still stuck to the bottom and had to be ...
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Noris Raketen Aggregat - 9, Part 12, Home Print Decals and Trim
The kit included stickers. After you spend this much time on a build it doesn't seem right to compromise and use peel and stick trim. The markings were drawn on Corel Draw and home printed on Bel decal paper. 3 coats of Krylon clear acrylic were sprayed on the decals. Home print decals take longer ...
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Noris Raketen Aggregat - 9, Finished
This was an interesting build! Everything I've read about these kits is true. Poor fitting parts, incorrect fin templates and not much room for wadding and a parachute. I don't think I would ever have the guts to launch this one. It is heavy! It has already been sent off to the client.
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