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Semroc USS Andromeda KV-97, Part 1, Parts
As I mentioned before -  The two main, smaller diameter body tubes are the thicker walled ST-7 tubing. The other BT-50 style tubes look to be thicker walled ST-9 tubes. When I got the parts last year, the decals weren't included - yet. The new production kits do have decals and embossed ...
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Semroc USS Andromeda KV-97, Part 2, Joining the Body Tubes
Test fit the coupler in the body tubes. Don't glue in place yet. Sand the edges if needed for a smooth fit. The side of the coupler with the hole is the upper side. The coupler is marked with pencil at the halfway point. Always square up the body tube ends before doing any gluing. Sand the ends ...
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Semroc USS Andromeda KV-97, Part 3, Upper Shroud Prep
The reducer shroud is laser cut! Another benefit of modern technology. The sides will be charred, wipe them off and lightly sand with 400 grit if needed. I did my usual shroud forming by rolling a dowel over the card stock in the heel of my left hand. Press and form the shroud by moving the dowel ...
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Semroc USS Andromeda KV-97, Part 4, Upper Shroud Gluing
TIP: At the inside edge I did sand down the glue tab so I could get a better fit against the body tubes. The tab area is thick! Slide the adapter up to the centering ring - dry, no glue yet. Trace around the back small end with a pencil. Slide down the shroud. Apply a thin line of glue around the ...
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Semroc USS Andromeda KV-97, Part 5, Low Engine Mount End Assembly
The lowest centering ring is notched for engine hook movement. TIP: The flat side will be exposed so sand it flat with 220 grit on a sanding block. Sand one side of the (closed) upper ring, it wall also be exposed. On the left is before, on the right is after sanding. With the flat side of the ...
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Semroc USS Andromeda KV-97, Part 6, Assembly Jigs
The assembly jigs are assembled as shown on the right. These just slide together, you don't really need to glue them. The short tubes are used in the jigs now and glued on the small fins later. The smaller jig is used in the front to glue on and center the dowel standoff support pieces. The larger ...
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Semroc USS Andromeda KV-97, Part 7, Cleaning Up Parts
The short tubes have interior seams! You'll be able to see them on the finished model so of course, I'm filling them! The launch lug ends were a bit rough, sand them smooth with 400 grit. The heavy card stock pieces are laser cut. These will need some cleaning up. Sand the burnt edges flat on a ...
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Semroc USS Andromeda KV-97, Part 8, Gluing The Radiator Rings
The trailing edge tip of the large wing/fin is even with the end of the body tube. The picture shows how the top ring will fit into the root edge notch in the fin. With the ring glue on, double check using the fin to be sure the back of the fin is even with the tube end. Glue a ring, add a narrow ...
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Semroc USS Andromeda KV-97, Part 9, Fin Alignment
The large wing fins are glued on using the larger assembly jig. Set the engine end tube into the large jig, the front of the rocket is set into the upper jig for support. Glue the root edge. Set the fin onto the jig and slide into the body tube setting the rings into the notches. The front end ...
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Semroc USS Andromeda KV-97, Part 10, Small Fins and Dowels
TIP: This is an optional step, but you can seal the conduit dowels before gluing them onto the rocket. I dipped a paper towel in some clear varnish and wiped down the dowels. You can use most any clear liquid finish. After the varnish dries, sand smooth with 400 grit. Scrape away the clear finish ...
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Semroc USS Andromeda KV-97, Part 11, Dots TIP and Launch Lugs
There are two small "dots" glued onto the body tube forward of the dowels. These are cut from thick card stock. They won't fit the curvature of the body tube as they are now. I drew a line down the center of the dot for a reference. Set this line down the length of an X-Acto knife barrel or stiff ...
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Semroc USS Andromeda KV-97, Part 12, Lugs and Detail Pieces
Here's the rear and front launch lugs glued in place. Some of the fin details have been glued in place. There are small positioning dots burnt into the sail fin surface. As mentioned before, mine was a pre-production kit. The dots were a little outside the border width of the detail pieces. This ...
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Semroc USS Andromeda KV-97, Part 13, Black Paint Prep
 The engine tubes were masked off for the fluorescent paint and the entire model was sprayed gloss black. After the decals are applied the rocket will end up a coat of flat acrylic. Paint it gloss for now so the decals will transfer and stick onto the model. The surface of the card stock ...
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Semroc Andromeda Build, Part 14, Decals and Paint Choices
Back to finish up the Semroc Andromeda -  I had assembled the Semroc Andromeda earlier on the blog. I was waiting on the decals, I understand Semroc had some delays finding a vendor to make them, silk screened-old style. These decals have some white ink on them, they will go on over black ...
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Semroc Andromeda Build, Part 15, Mask & Paint
The interior of the engine tubes were hand painted earlier with fluorescent orange acrylic. The interior color isn't very smooth, next time I'd probably spray the fluorescent orange. These were capped over with masking tape to keep out the black paint. The bottom tape "cap" is before trimming ...
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Semroc Andromeda Build, Part 16, Checking Out The Decals
Here's the water slide decals and the chrome wrap. The chrome wrap is interesting, Randy Boadway told me the black stripes were laser burnt into the Mylar. These are real "old school" screen printed decals. Notice the clear coat border around the decal ink in the light reflection. It's ...
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Semroc Andromeda Build, Part 17, Applying The Decals
In the instructions you are given placement measurements. Here I'm leaving most all of the decal on the backing paper. The right side of the "A" in Andromeda is set on the 9/16" spacing before the backing is slid back to the left with the decal remaining on the surface. Always, always, ...
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