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All Videos by MrSealtee

My TRA L3 Cert Flight (2011-07-29)

My TRA L3 certification flight. This is a mostly carbon fiber and fiberglass rocket that is 6.3 inch diameter, 8 feet tall and 37 pounds on the pad loaded with an M-745 long burning Gorilla Rocket Motor. This rocket was flown at the first annual NXRS near Brothers Oregon on July 2nd 2011. Just as I have done with all of my certification flights, I am doing the "1 plus 3" parachute deployment where I use the drogue to pull the bags off of the 3 main parachutes. I am using an L2 Tender Descender tether and release device to prevent the drogue from releasing the mains until 1000 feet above ground level. To learn more about the Tender Descender go to www.tinderrocketry.com

Nose cone ground test... (2011-07-29)

Nose cone ground test of my L3 rocket...

Stress testing the Tender Descender- A High power rocket parachute release device. (2011-06-23)

In this video we are stress testing the HDPE Tender Descender. This is where we hung 197 pounds of pallet and block from the Tender Descender and then dropped it! This test is done with nearly the maximum safe working load of the quick link (220lbs) hanging from it. This is the exact same device that I used inside the ICU for that fabulous flight you saw in my other video.