7 Foot Span R/C Rocket Glider- Glide (2009-01-27)7 Foot Span R/C Rocket Glider- Boost Keith Vinyard's model at NARAM-47. Two E9s plus air-started E9. Camera showing engines. NAR R/C Model Rocket Glider Keith Vinyard's model at NARAM-47. Two E9s ... [View]
NARAM 50 HP Rocket w/On Board Video (2008-08-08)NARAM 50 HP Rocket w/On Board Video. Rocket and video courtesy of Mitch Guess [View]
G Superroc Test flight - March 2007 (2007-08-05)Southern Neutron Team* test flight. 14.75 foot tall all-BT-60 model, powered by a cluster of one F10 and two E6's. This apparently was the first max-length G Superroc to fly successfully. If the ... [View]
Naram 52 - 00 01 Steve Pop Lug I Mile Altitude Model (2010-07-30)Steve Schowiak showing his I Altitude Model with a rail button pop lug! [View]
NARAM 53 JULY 24 3D (2011-07-31)I created this video with the YouTube 3D Video Editor [View]
Two Stage Air Start to a Sparky.MOV (2010-08-09)Two stage rocket at NARAM 52. I motor to an H "sparky" second stage. It was a spectacular flight. [View]
1960's National Association of Rocketry "Space Age Hobby" Promotional Film (2016-07-14)This color video was recorded from an original 16mm film belonging to John Roe (NAR#33) who appears in these shoots with his father William S. Roe (NAR#13), one of the founders of the National ... [View]
Comanche 3 Upscale 2.5" Onboard (2019-08-07)Comanche 3 upscale onboard video. Flown 8/2/2019 at NARAM 61 sport range. Academy of Model Aeronautics site. Motors: Aerotech H123 to CTI G68 to CTI G68. [View]
Dynasoar Rocketry Orion Starliner Upscale RC rocket Glider G-11ST flight (2018-08-15)This is a flight on a prototype Aerotech G-11ST single use 29mm 15 second burn motor at NARAM 60, glider is 5' long, 3" diameter, 37" wingspan, 29 oz rtf. Phone video courtesy of Gary Rosenfield of ... [View]
FAI Parachute Duration Competition Rocket - 5: Motor Mount (2014-04-15)Gluing the engine mount into the conical transition. This series of videos goes with a rocket that we've just released at Apogee Components. The rocket is named I.T.S., which stands for Int ... [View]
Launch of Jason Chamberlin's Ultimate Wildman at NARAM 60 (2018-08-16)This launch was nothing less than amazing [View]
Long Tom 1st flight at NARAM 60 - K750 Red Lightning (2018-08-07)Long Tom had a successful flight on 8/4 at NARAM 60. The K750 Red Lightning motor by Cesaroni performed perfectly and sent it to an averaged altitude of 6975'. I have data processing and analysis to ... [View]
M-12 & GTD-21B Plastic Model Flight at NARAM-47 (2012-07-15)Flying I-Beam Kids' Plastic Model Conversion entry at NARAM-47 on August 5, 2005. This model won 1st Place in Team Division. I'm not sure if this is the first or second flight. Video by Jess ... [View]
Mark Wise L1 Cert Attempt ICBM Launch (2013-11-07)Mark Wise attempts to certify Level 1 at Naram. A little background is needed for this video to make sense. We use all kinds of adhesives (glue) to build our rockets. two of the most common are CA ... [View]
Naram 55 08 Friday Aerotech's new RC Reload D2.3 at 1200fps (2013-07-27)Aerotech's new RC Reload D2.3 at 1200fps [View]
NARAM 62: Manufacturer's Forum - Estes Rockets. (2021-07-28)NARAM 62: Manufacturer's Forum - Estes Rockets. Quality Inn, Geneseo, New York July 26, 2021 NARAM 62 was hosted by: MARS (Monroe Astronautical Rocket Society) NAR Section #136 and SRC (The Syracuse ... [View]
National Association of Rocketry (NAR) - Town Hall Meeting, NARAM 60, Pueblo CO, 8/6/2018 (2020-03-08)NAR President John Hochheimer presents at the NAR Town Hall Meeting on 8/6/2018 NARAM 60 in Pueblo, Colorado (originally streamed via Facebook Live) [View]
Our Estes Mega Mosquito Drag Race at NARAM 60 (2018-08-16)Yet another drag race at NARAM [View]
Scale Viewing NARAM-50 (2012-07-14)Raw Video from the Scale Judging Room at NARAM-50 in 2008, including models and judging sheets. Some random comments and conversations can be heard in the background. WARNING: This video is mostly ... [View]
Vern and Gleda Estes at NARAM 53 (2012-06-10)Vern and Gleda Estes built Super Alphas from Estes Rockets on Sunday 7/24/11, and here they are flying them on Monday 7/25/11, at NARAM 53 near Cincinnati, OH. Vern and Gleda founded the company ... [View]