Model Rocket Building: Estes Nike X Kit #1270 Inspiration (2016-11-29)Sometimes you find design inspirations when doing image searching. When the Nike X kit was introduced in 1975, the Estes designers didn't have access to the internet. They were going off what few ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Holy Rocket, Batman! (2018-10-16)Stan Huls posted on the NAR Facebook page: "So, I was sanding out some imperfections on my Nike X when I may have received some sort of Divine message. As I worked on the area just below the nose ... [Read More]
Rocket N00b: Estes Nike-X - Part 1 (2019-11-28)Once I got the Semroc Bandit all glued together, the next kit I semi-randomly pulled from the build pile was the Estes Nike-X, another nice BT-55 kit. I like BT-55 rockets. It might be my ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: A Nosecone Is Worth A Thousand Words! (2012-09-06)Here's an Email from Brian Coyle: "Ha! Chris made the 'nose cone' parade on the HIGH POWER rocketry blog! Mr. Low Power. On a HPR site. {chuckle - smirk}" This is from the High Power ... [Read More]