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Rocketry Videos

Videos / Events / Launches / NYPOWER
NYPOWER X Saturn V (2007-07-21)
The Hannas launched a great looking rendition of a Saturn V at NYPOWER X [View]
NYPower Aerotech Mustang Launch (2011-07-25)
A small Aerotech Mustang fitted with a Cesaroni H-87 engine with a 9-sec. delay. Estimated altitude according to Thrustcurve.org is 3,051 feet although it may have gone a little higher because the ... [View]
Rob's L3 at NYPOWER (2007-01-22)
Despite Murphy's law Rob got his L3 on the last flight of the weekend at NYPOWER......The Hypertek motor performed well, though if you watch closely it's blowing chunks, and landed 200 feet from ... [View]
Falcon rocket on H163 WT (2017-06-25)
Falcon Rocket on H163 motor. NYpower 2014 [View]
Jim lobs a Hybrid M-1000 at NYPOWER 11 (2006-12-25)
Jim flew his nitrous oxide hybrid Hypertech M - 1000 into a bright blue NY sky in 2004 [View]
LOC Hi Tech 45 @NYPower (2013-07-29)
Screaming off the pad on a J350 to 6k+ ft. Didn't shred yet. Bummer ;) [View]
Punk Rocket NYPower 19 (2015-05-25)
Launched at NYPower this weekend, the Punk Rocket blasts off past Mach 1 and flies to 7,782' at NYPower on a perfectly cloudless day. Visibility was unlimited, and I finally captured a glimpse of ... [View]
Rocket Launches of NYPOWER 12-Geneseo NY (2007-12-14)
Work continues on the NYPOWER 12 effort. Here's a look at the beginning of the work. [View]
Screaching K240 hybrid rocket launch (2006-12-24)
At NYPOWER in 2002 the old K 240 design made its signature sound......I miss that noise. [View]
submarine rocket launch at NYPOWER 14 (2014-05-26)
scratch built rocket, 1/300th scale of the U.S.S. Virginia SSN 774 flown on a D21-4T [View]
WAC Corporal - Level 3 Certification - NYPower 17 (2013-07-29)
Scratchbuilt, 7.7" dia WAC Corporal built for Level 3 Certification attempt by Mike Walsh flies on a M1297 to 3,700' AGL. Successful certification :) [View]