Rocketry Videos

By Oak Park Rocketry

High Power Rocket Launch 360° Video (2017-09-26)
Virtual Reality view from Oak Park Rocketry Team. Rocket launched on Sept. 16, 2017 at the Friends of Amateur Rocketry site in the Mojave Desert. This rocket (the Black Brant X) was made by our ... [View]

High Power Rocket Launch at Friends of Amateur Rocketry 11-28-17 (2017-11-29)
The Oak Park Rocket Club travels to the Friends of Amateur Rocketry launch site in the Mojave Desert to launch two high power rockets. The first rocket is a bamboo prototype rocket made of mostly ... [View]

High Power Rocket Launch at the MDARS Launch Site. (2019-03-26)
High-Power rocket launch at the MDARS launch site January 2019. We launched four level one certification flights and two minimum diameter flights, with one flight that went 7701 feet and 700+ mph. ... [View]

Videos by Oak Park Rocketry at YouTube