Shop @ RocketReviewsOdd'l Rockets Blast! Model Rocket Blast Deflector Odd'l Rockets' Blast! is a ceramic blast deflector that channels the rocket's exhaust away from your model. This prevents the motor's heat and exhaust from damaging your rocket. Blast! is non-conductive to prevent shorted clips from spoiling your launch attempt.
Launch pad and launch rod are not included. The Blast! fits most launch pads using a 1/8" launch rod. The hole in the Blast! may be enlarged for use with 3/16" launch rods. The Blast! blast deflector is custom-manufactured by Odd'l Rockets.

ASINsRaw: AuthorRaw: Blade SpanRaw: CP MethodRaw: CP Position From FrontRaw: CP Position From RearRaw: DecalsRaw: Design (OpenRocket)Raw: Design (RockSim)Raw: Design (SpaceCad)Raw: Designer: Hans "Chris" Michielssen DesignerRaw: Hans "Chris" Michielssen DiameterRaw: Fin MaterialRaw: Fin SpanRaw: ImageRaw: LengthRaw: Main Body TubeRaw: Main Nose ConeRaw: Manufacturer: Odd'l Rockets ManufacturerRaw: Odd'l Rockets ModelRaw: Motor SizeRaw: Nose Cone MaterialRaw: Original PriceRaw: Plan (Estes Instructions)Raw: Plan (JimZ)Raw: Plan (Other)Raw: Plan (YORP)Raw: PowerRaw: Product Type: Accessory Product TypeRaw: Accessory Production YearsRaw: Recommended MotorsRaw: RecoveryRaw: Related ProductsRaw: ScaleRaw: Skill LevelRaw: StatusRaw: StyleRaw: TagsRaw: WeightRaw: Wing SpanRaw:
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