Rich's Rockets: Building the Lindberg Mars Probe (2016-08-29)
Change of PMC plan. The September club launch is earlier than usual. Instead of the third Saturday (the 17th) it’ll be the second Sunday (the 11th). That’s in less than two weeks. What ... [Read More]
Shroudlines: Everything's Better in Pictures (2016-11-01)
Today I have an image to show you that isn't exactly as it seems. Here you go... It's the cover of the July, 1987 issue of American Spacemodeling! On this cover we see a fine example of ... [Read More]
Shroudlines: American Spacemodeling Cover....The Rest of the Story (2017-01-24)
A while back I showed you guys the cover of American Spacemodeling that featured John Dyer's plastic model conversion Saturn V moments before the loops began.... This week I was going through some ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: Launch Date: 3 September, 2018 - Model Rocketry Is Alive And Well In Castle Rock, CO !! (2018-09-04)
I recently had the pleasure of meeting a fellow old-timer model rocketeer who lives right here in the Castle Rock area - Mr. Jim Gazur. Jim was heavily involved in model rocketry back in ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: Launch Date: 21 October, 2018 - ..And Then There Were Three... (2018-10-23)
...Old BARs, that is.... Nearly perfect model rocket flying weather prevailed as James Gazur, Mike Goss, and myself converged on Dove Valley Regional Park in Centennial, Colorado to poke some holes ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: Working on Team Redstone... (2018-11-13)
My rocket ADD kicked in again, flaring up due to my seeing a lot of photos of models of Mercury Redstones, Gemini Titans, and Saturns recently. The 50th anniversary of Apollo 11 is coming up, so I ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Mega Review of Micro Projects: Six MicroMaxx Rockets (2011-01-12)
I decided these little things were too small to warrant their own posts, so I grouped a bunch of them together, including the Quest Tomahawk Starter Set, Heller 1/300 X-15 PMC, and several scratch ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Old Model Kits (2011-03-29)
I just came across this website. Check it out HERE I hadn't seen this many old plastic kits in a long time. Sure, some are outrageously expensive, but if you've got to have it, in some cases it's ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: July is here! (2012-07-01)
And, soon it will be time to wish the U.S. of A. a big happy birthday! To get a jump on this, I invite you to visit Verna and Randy's Fire and Smoke . Here, they honor Randy's father and ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Old Model Rocket Magazine Scans (2014-03-24)
I'd forgotten about these on the Ninfinger website. HERE This is probably the entire run of the Model Rocketry magazine from October 1968 to Jan/Feb 1972. There's great reading and plenty of scale ... [Read More]
Rich's Rockets: Building the Glencoe Jupiter C (PMC) (2014-09-03)
All right, I can’t make much further progress on anything else I’ve started until weather and opportunity become conducive to painting, and it’s high time I got started on this ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Stiletto Design Inspiration? (2015-06-15)
In 2009, Bob Sanford made a visit to Quest Aerospace. Lots of great information and pictures in these YORF posts: CLICK HERE Douglas Shrock (Shrox Rocket Designs) showed some of his prototypes. He's ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: Captain, she's on fire! (2016-07-25)
The National Association of Rocketry (NAR) hosts two big launches every year - the National Sport Launch (NSL) at the end of spring and NARAM in the summer. NSL is what we call a "fun fly"; ... [Read More]
Rich's Rockets: Converting the Monogram Thunderbirds F-100 (part 1) (2016-08-18)
Next month’s launch contest is plastic model conversion, and I haven’t even started on it. Yeah. Earlier this year I bought a Lindberg Mars Probe kit; I can’t find much of anything ... [Read More]
Shroudlines: The Return of the Moonliner!!! (2017-07-03)
Just when you thought I had run out of ways to feature the TWA's baaaack! Well, sort of. Actually this one is branded a Mars Liner. It's still the same classic plastic model mold, ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: A question of supply... (2020-11-08)
Estes Yankee Clipper (Click to enlarge). I have been making good progress finishing off builds that have languished for months. This year's 4th of July rocket, the Yankee Clipper, is finally done, ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: A perfect day for flying... (2020-11-15)
Flyers begin to assemble for the pre-launch briefing (Click to enlarge). Yesterday HARA had its first launch of the 2020-2021 season - the skies were clear and blue, the winds relatively tame and ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: Finishing off some builds (2022-01-22)
As the pandemic wore on and my motivation waned, three unfinished rockets - a Boyce Aerospace Redstone missile, a Skylance from an Estes rocket plan and a Glencoe Jupiter-C plastic model conversion ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: A Plastic Model Conversion Gold Mine ! (2023-07-30)
During a recent trip to the local Hobby Lobby I stopped by the plastic model aisle where I found this: This is a "U.S. Space Missiles" kit by Atlantis. The kit includes small plastic 1:128 ... [Read More]
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