Rich's Rockets Posts
Sport Rocketry / Plastic Model Conversion (PMC)
Building the Lindberg Mars Probe (2016-08-29)Change of PMC plan. The September club launch is earlier than usual. Instead of the third Saturday (the 17th) it’ll be the second Sunday (the 11th). That’s in less than two weeks. What ... [Read More]
Building the Glencoe Jupiter C (PMC) (2014-09-03)All right, I can’t make much further progress on anything else I’ve started until weather and opportunity become conducive to painting, and it’s high time I got started on this ... [Read More]
Converting the Monogram Thunderbirds F-100 (part 1) (2016-08-18)Next month’s launch contest is plastic model conversion, and I haven’t even started on it. Yeah. Earlier this year I bought a Lindberg Mars Probe kit; I can’t find much of anything ... [Read More]