Estes - Metalizer Kit

Decals: Self-Stick
Diameter: 1.35 inches
Fin Material: Plastic
Manufacturer: Estes
Model: 2168
Motor Size: 18 millimeters
Nose Cone Material: Plastic
Power: Low-Power
Product Type: Kit
Production Years: 2006-
Recommended Motors: B4-4, B6-4, C6-5
Recovery: Parachute
Skill Level: 1
Status: In-Production
Style: Sport
  • Estes Metalizer By Ed Rodrigo (September 14, 2011)

    E2X single-stage rocket kit with silver metallic finish. Components Components: Nose cone Body tube (launch lugs and elastic shock cord pre-installed) 2-piece plastic fin and engine module Parachute Construction is quick and easy.   Glue the 2-piece plastic fin/engine module together Glue the body tube to the fin/engine module ...

  • Estes Metalizer By Warren Wattles (April 28, 2007)

    Brief: E2X single-stage LPR with parachute and plastic fins. Construction: Parts list: 1 body tube 2 fin can halves (with fins pre-assembled) 1 plastic nosecone 1 plastic parachute (pre-assembled) 1/8" launch lug (pre-attached) Construction is extremely easy. This is how it goes: Glue two fin can halves together. Glue fin can into ...

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