Shop @ RocketReviewsQuest Aerospace Magnum Sport Loader Model Rocket Kit The Quest Aerospace Magnum Sport Loader is powered by a cluster of two rocket motors. Its large payload bay can carry two eggs or any other payload you have in mind. The Magnum Sport Loader comes with two parachutes so the payload section can be recovered separately.

ASINsRaw: AuthorRaw: Blade SpanRaw: CP MethodRaw: CP Position From FrontRaw: CP Position From RearRaw: DecalsRaw: Design (OpenRocket)Raw: Design (RockSim)Raw: Design (SpaceCad)Raw: DesignerRaw: DiameterRaw: Fin Material: Balsa Fin MaterialRaw: Balsa Fin SpanRaw: ImageRaw: Length: 24.0000 inches LengthRaw: 24.0000 Main Body TubeRaw: Main Nose ConeRaw: Manufacturer: Quest ManufacturerRaw: Quest Model: 3012 ModelRaw: 3012 Motor SizeRaw: Nose Cone MaterialRaw: Original PriceRaw: Plan (Estes Instructions)Raw: Plan (JimZ)Raw: Plan (Other)Raw: Plan (YORP)Raw: PowerRaw: Product Type: Kit Product TypeRaw: Kit Production YearsRaw: Recommended Motors: 2xB6-4, 2xC6-3, 2xC6-5 Recommended MotorsRaw: 2xB6-4, 2xC6-3, 2xC6-5 Recovery: Parachute RecoveryRaw: Parachute Related ProductsRaw: ScaleRaw: Skill Level: 3 Skill LevelRaw: 3 StatusRaw: Style: Cluster, Payload StyleRaw: Cluster, Payload TagsRaw: Weight: 12.0000 ounces WeightRaw: 12.0000 Wing SpanRaw:
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