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Quest Aerospace Planet Probe Model Rocket Kit

Fun to fly and easy to build, the cone-shaped Planet Probe rocket is perfect for small flying areas.

The Planet Probe features gentle tumble recovery. No recovery wadding is required, so the Planet Probe is easy and quickly prepared for flight.

Some tips for building the Planet Probe:

The shroud is pre-printed on one side, but is plain white on the other. As an alternative to using the pre-printed side, you can flip the shroud over and use the white side. The white side may be decorated, before or after assembly, with paint or markers.

Gluing the cardstock internal fins to the motor mount tube can be challenging. To make it easier, lightly sand both the root edges of each fin and the places on the motor tube where the fins will be glued. Redraw the lines on the motor tube after sanding. Sanding the surfaces gives a slightly rougher finish which allows the glue to adhere better. Apply a light bead of glue along the line on motor tube. Stick the root edge of the fin to the glue. Pull the fin away and wait a few seconds. Then stick it back in place. Hold the fin in place for a while until it is steady before trying to glue the next fin.

An alternative way to attach the fins to the motor tube is to use a thin bead of CA ("Super") glue. Be careful when aligning the fin and pressing it into the glue because the glue will grab instantly. Let the glue dry for an hour or two then apply a fillit of white or wood glue along each fin's edge as described in the kit's instructions.

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