Model Rocket Building: TIP: New Engine Storage Box (2011-02-14)
This isn't a new idea, just new for me. I'd always kept my engines in my old range box. Not every engine I have, but just what I might need at a launch. At schoolyard launches I run ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: Back In The Day, Part 8: More Stickers! (2017-11-08)
A couple of weeks ago on The Model Rocket Building Blog, Chris Michielssen wrote a post containing some pictures of old model rocket stickers that the manufacturers used to send with orders. I also ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: Back On Track.... (2018-03-15)
This morning I finally got back to building model rockets after having spent the past month diverting my attention toward a campaign of de-cluttering and re-organizing the basement. This ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Launch! Schoolyard Soccer Field, May 8, 2020 (2020-05-09)
The morning temperatures were going to be around 56 degrees. This might be the last cool morning for a while! I walked over to the Soccer field a little after 7 a.m. I prepped two Micro Maxx rockets ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: The return of the C5... (2020-05-31)
At the end of this week, I received an email from Estes, featuring this image: This got me very excited, for the following reasons: An increase in the types of available 18mm black ... [Read More]
SEARS Magazine: Eagleman is Ready (2008-04-23)
Our newest SEARS member Daymon Campbell A.K.A. Eagleman has purchased a canopy, a range box and built an Estes rocket for the May 10th Launch. He tested out the gear at his home in Chipley and sent ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Prep day (2009-04-17)
In preparations for Red Glare VI tomorrow, I lugged rockets and range boxes up from the Dungeon, made sure I had all the motors I'll need and built G185-5, G67-7G, G69N-P, and F39-6 reloads. All ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Sport Rocketry, July/August 2009 (2009-07-11)
The main theme of this issue is NARCON 2009. Unfortunately, the descriptions of the sessions can only provide a hint of what was covered. I really would like to have seen the 'dumpster diving' ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Launch Report 2009-4 (2009-07-18)
Location: Great Meadow, The Plains, VA ( NOVAAR ) Weather: Min 70's to 80's, wind 5 - 10 mph Total flights: Today - 9; YTD - 33 Total motors: Today - 11; YTD - 40 This was a great day, although a ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Vintage range boxes (2009-10-07)
In the spirit of the coming Holiday, LA Weekly features a compendium of range boxes...for hunting VAMPIRES! If you can't afford the ones shown, they tell you how to stock your own. Ooops, I ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Sport Rocketry March/April 2010 (2010-03-13)
In this issue: Performance analysis of 6 vs. 7 tube fin rockets by Larry Brand; a 'bulletproof' Estes build; a Member Photo Blast featuring plastic and cork; Baffles and More ; rockets to ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Finding the speed of Quest plastic (2010-07-07)
Not long ago, I decided to fly all my 'collectable' motors. Next up is a G125-15. I think I'll put it in my 29mm Quest Nike Smoke . I'm going to try to restrain myself and keep ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Solo launch report - FLICS and Q E-Z edition (2010-07-14)
Location: my driveway Weather: hot and raining Total flights: Today - 3; YTD - 55 Total motors: Today - 3; YTD - 69 I only flew the FLICS and my Q E-Z Monocopter . I was going to dig up a couple of ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Old Range Box Part 1 (2010-07-30)
This is my first Range Box, going back to 1969. I still use it today. I originally got it with by trading in 3 full books of S & H Green Stamps. A few years back, stores would give out trading ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Old Range Box Part 2 (2010-07-30)
Check out the old stickers on the inside lid! Those go back to NARAM 17 and 18. The upper shelf holds (clockwise from the upper left) 1. Engine mount adapters and heavy twine. 2. Igniters from Estes ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Too Rolling (Red)Stoned - a little progress but lots of stuff to do (2010-08-19)
Progress: I started cutting and installing the fin mounting guides to the rear thrust plate. Glue is setting on two, 14 more to go. Marked the remaining foam rings. One is ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Cheap Rocketry Supplies (2010-08-23)
Years back, I'd been to dollar stores but they weren't part of a national chain. Before today I wasn't impressed. These "wanna-be" stores sold things in multiples of a dollar and many of the ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Solo launch 8/31/10 (2010-08-31)
Back to the schoolyard for some small, but still fun stuff. First up was the MMX Cloud Hopper . All was great until apogee when the ejection charge blew his head off. I found the body easily and ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Downscale Wolverine Finished! (2010-10-07)
The WOLVERINE Carded Downscale is ready - Go to Wayne Hill's Rocketry Blog HERE and scroll down Or email me at and I'll send you the printable PDF This ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Laser ignition of APCP propellants (2010-11-04)
AeroTech recently posted the attached video to FaceBook . It shows the ignition of various AT propellants using a 1.1W hand held Survival Laser . Gary mentions the possibility of head-end ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Madcow AQM-37 Jayhawk (2010-12-16)
My review of the Madcow AQM-37 Jayhawk is below the page break. You can also find out more about this kit by following the tag at the bottom of this post. Enjoy! Brief: This is a nice ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Odd'l Rockets Birdie (2010-12-18)
This is Odd'l's take on what is possibly the original oddroc - the flying Badminton Birdie. Birdie + 13mm Mini Motors = quick and easy flying fun. Construction: The kit included the shuttlecock, a ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Odd'l Rockets Raise (2010-12-18)
The Odd'l Raise is an adjustable standoff for 1/8" rods. One of them apparently dropped into the box when my Wedgie kit was shipped so I thought I'd add a short review. You can now put your clothes ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: First Flight Hobbies Semi Sonic (Beta) (2010-12-18)
The First Flight Hobbies Semi-Sonic is a sleek 18mm rocket that sports three split-fins (6 fins total) and a long balsa nose cone. Mine was a beta test-build, so some minor details may vary. ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review - Public Enemy Ultra Fayboy (3") (2010-12-19)
The Public Enemy 3" Ultra Fatboy was my first high power rocket and was purchased for my TRA Level-I certification. I picked this kit primarily because of its sleek design and capability to fly on ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Deuce XL5 (2010-12-24)
The Deuce XL5 was my Descon-13 entry and, for the record, the following were the attributes as they applied to the contest: no Micro-Maxx, x2 cluster, sci-fi, comedy(?), most parts from a ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Mini Marz Lander Launcher (M2L2) (2011-01-03)
For this 2-stager, an Estes Mini Marz Lander serves as both the nosecone and second stage. The main rocket has a 29mm motor mount, while the Lander flies on 13mm motors. This review will focus on ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Mirror Image (2011-01-04)
I couldn't believe it when my wife spotted the Guillow's foam Shuttles on clearance at Michael's Crafts. I am finally getting her fully trained to spot rocket components. Anyway, I bought two more ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Mega Review: Component Reviews (2011-01-13)
This is an aggregation of all my old EMRR reviews of miscellaneous components: Giant Leap Rocketry - Honeycomb Composite Fins Giant Leap Rocketry - Slimline Retainer (38mm) Hartle Engineering - Solid ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Art Applewhite Qubits (2011-01-18)
The Qubit is another saucer-like object from Art Applewhite's lab . Once built, the Qubit resembles a cube that flies with one of its corners facing upward. I say the Qubit resembles a cube because ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Mega Review: When a Stock Saucer Isn't Enough (2011-01-20)
This post will describe goofy modifications to otherwise normal flying saucers. Three started life as Art Applewhite paper kits and one was a Quest MicroMaxx 'brick'. Crew Exploration Saucer I really ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Reviews: Bic Pen-Rocs (2011-01-21)
This post present two rockets based on BiC® pens. Once is scratch and one is from Art Applewhite. Double Tree Pen-Roc This is a total rip-off of the cool Bic Arcas from DesCon7 . The ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: 58mm JATO (2011-01-23)
The 58mm JATO is a 29mm-powered rocket that resembles a rifle cartridge. The lower section is 3" in diameter and it transitions to 54mm. I bounced around between names and settled on this one, which ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Squishy Foam Rockets (2011-01-28)
Rigid foam is commonly used in rocketry, mostly for custom nose cones. However, you don't see flexible foam rubber, such as that used in pool noodles, very often. Way back in 2001, EMRR ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Three Estes MODifications (2011-01-28)
This post includes: Big Dipper Daddy Fat Boy 7x18mm Motor Eater Phinagain Cruise Missile Big Dipper Daddy I bought this Big Daddy (on sale, of course) as a test-bed for a Micro-Hybrid motor. This ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Reviews: MODifications to the Apogee V2 and Semroc Tau Zero (2011-01-29)
On the 10.5mm Micro V2, I added a stretched fin section (the Blitzkrieg Booster ) to allow it to fly on 13mm motors. On the Tau Zero, I merely put the fins on upside down. This is now a designer ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Two models made from Aquapod bottles (2011-01-30)
Aquapods are short, stubby, bulbous bottles whose shape is self-described as orbastic . These things scream ROCKETS ! I've used them for a nose cone , a tail cone , and for the bodies of the ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: TIP: Removing Friction Fit Engines Part 2 (2011-03-16)
For any new fliers out there: If you have used a friction fit to keep your engine in place, try and remove it immediately after the flight. It'll slide out much easier when the engine is still warm! ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Old OOP MPC Launcher & Controller Part 4 (2011-04-14)
Now, onto the launcher itself. This is an amazing piece of work! It's quite a bit larger than the Estes or Quest equivalent. I figured out why the white wires were cut, stripped and bare. These ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: You can do this, or you can do that (post-launch update) (2011-06-19)
As noted in my launch report, the Ankyo234 was, well, unstable. Is my RockSim model was flawed? The fins too floppy? The nose weight shifted? The model certainly may not reflect the ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Old Centuri Launcher LIA-77 (2011-07-12)
Oh boy! More old crap! Here's my favorite launcher from my teen years - The Centuri LIA-77 You can't tell by the picture, but I sanded the band saw cut legs smooth and hit them with brush coats of ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Harbor Freight trip (2011-08-03)
I went to Harbor Freight today, coupons in hand: I intended to pick up their oscillating multi-tool that was on sale for $19.99. Found it had no attachments. The version with ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Roll your own with 'RolaTube' (2012-01-23)
This may not make it to your workbench or range box, but I found it quite interesting. British company RTL Materials has developed “bistable reeled composites”, which roll ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NAR Membership Materials (2012-02-01)
I received my new NAR membership card in the mail today. Along with the card was a listing of NAR Sections by state and the insurance information sheet shown at the left. This sheet is a simple ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Tampa TTRA Launch, February 18, 2012 (2012-02-19)
I almost didn't make the drive to the Tampa TTRA launch on Saturday. Back in Orlando there was low cloud cover and a 50% chance of rain predicted for the afternoon. I had visions of my car stuck ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Range Box - BUCKET! (2012-07-01)
Kelly Greer (Stratos 283 on TRF) found a great use for a fishing tackle bucket. From his post on TRF: "I don't carry near the supplies to launch as most rocketeers do, but I wanted something with ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: 24mm Paper Honest John, Part 2 (2012-08-12)
I made good progress on the 24mm paper Honest John today. As I mentioned in the previous post, I attached three centering rings to the 24mm tube. I didn't fully think out the recovery harness but ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Two kludged-up air rockets (2012-08-22)
I wanted to try a few smaller air rockets but I didn't want to fiddle with a graphics program, didn't have plans for smaller rockets that would fit my 1" barrel and didn't want to buy more stuff to ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Launch Report 2013-3 (solo) (2013-06-26)
Location: The Original Rocket Dungeon Weather: hot Total flights: Today - 2; YTD - 16 Total motors: Today - 2; YTD - 17 Motors by class YTD: MMX-2, B-1, C-4, E-5, F-2, G-1, H-2 I began investigating ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Engines Flush With The Body Tube End? (2014-02-01)
Spacepirate posed a question on TRF: "I am going to build a Semroc Mark X-Kit and the JimZ plans say that the balsa engine block should be placed so the engine is flush with the end of the BT. ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Small Parts Orders (2014-03-11)
I got my Quest X-15 parts packs yesterday. The body tube and centering rings were not in the parts pack, you'll need those Quest parts to make the model. An ST-7 engine mount tube fits the Quest ... [Read More]
Randy's Rocketry Blog: Propellant testing (Dextrose, Sorbitol, Erythritol) (2014-10-24)
I've had a hard time finding time to post, but the good news is that I have been finding little bits of time here and there to continue working on rocket stuff. I went through and organized my ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Wrapping Controller Wires? (2014-12-04)
A very important TIP, After a launch session - Don't wrap the thin red lead wires tightly around the controller! Two reasons: If the red lead lines are wrapped over and depress the ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Post Launch Cleaning TIP (2015-03-05)
After six launches at the schoolyard my flat Quest blast deflector plate is pretty dirty. The soot is in a ring on the outer edge of the metal plate. Most of the flame hits and is deflected by my ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: Boy Scout build and fly... (2015-09-19)
I dragged myself, my range box, and four rockets outside at 6:30 AM this morning to meet Chuck and Duane in the parking lot. After loading the stuff into the back of Chuck's SUV, we headed out to ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: An hour with the B sisters... (2015-09-20)
After the scout launch yesterday, Duane warned me that he might head over to Pegasus field this afternoon for a couple of practice flights with his geezer TARC rocket. When he called about 3 to let ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Waxing A Launch Rod? TIP (2016-11-30)
On TRF, a post mentioned sanding a launch rod to remove corrosion. Sanding is pretty rough on a launch rod considering some rods are now made of aluminum. Most use a very fine steel wool to clean ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Launch Report 2017-9 (solo) (2017-10-05)
Location: My driveway Weather: overcast; high 70s; wind 0 Total flights: Today - 2 ; YTD - 32 Total motors: Today - 2 ; YTD - 39 Motors by class YTD: MMX-1; A-2; B-3; C-17; D-3; E-4; ... [Read More]
Rocket N00b: Where to Buy Model Rockets and Rocket Supplies (2022-04-07)
Someone on the Facebook group Estes Model Rockets posed a question recently: Other than Amazon, where is everyone buying Estes rockets? I don't have a good hobby store near me. I see ... [Read More]
Thrifty Rocketeer: Tackle it Again (2023-06-06)
The Thrifty Rocketeer blog continues... Recently, the topic of the best range box came up again. And as you might expect, the more people involved, the more options and options popped up. ... [Read More]
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