"A Thin Blue Line" - Memorial Rocket Flight for Officer Chris Kilcullen (2011-05-24)This video depicts the launch and recovery of an ARR Predator 10K Rocket that was built by Richard Bremer and launched in memory of his friend, and former co-worker Officer Chris Kilcullen of the ... [View]
First Flight of Public Missiles Limited Io Rocket (2010-03-05)A Public Missiles Io Rocket is shown at it's first launch on February 28, 2010 at the OROC Rocknech Event in Tillamook, Oregon. The rocket was built and flown by Richard Bremer using an Aerotech ... [View]
High Power Rocket Launch in Brothers, Oregon (2009-10-18)Michelle was allowed to help launch a high power rocket at a recent launch event in Brothers, Oregon. [View]
Nike Smoke Rocket Launch #1 at OROC Summer Skies 2010 (2010-06-30)A video, taken with a mounted key chain camera, of my first flight of a Cosmodrome Nike Smoke Rocket that I built this past Spring. The engine used was a CTI H133 Blue Streak with a 7 second delay. ... [View]
PML Io Dual Deploy Rocket at 2010 OROC September Sage Xtreme (2010-09-11)Video depicting the launch of my Public Limited Missiles LTD. Io rocket that I built for dual parachute deployment. This rocket was launched on 09/04/2010 at the OROC September Sage Xtreme event in ... [View]
PML Patriot Rocket Launch #1 at OROC Summer Skies 2010 (2010-06-29)A video taken from an on-board key chain camera that was flown aboard my 1/4 scale Public Missiles Limited Patriot Missile at the OROC Summer Skies event in Brothers, Oregon. This flight took place ... [View]