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Flight Log - 2015-10-18 - Rick Barnes's Black Brant III

This is a clone build of an Estes Black Brant III kit (1296) from circa 1980.  Not to be confused with the later, larger Black Brant II that came out later.  The only real deviation from stock is the use of basswood instead of balsa for fins. 

Update: this model suffered a fatal landing on its third flight, buckling above the fins on a hard impact with the dirt.  Not really fixable.  I will, however, likely build another.

Flight Date: 2015-10-18
Rocket Name: Black Brant III
Kit Name: Estes - Black Brant III {Kit} (1293) [?-?, 2018-]
Flyer's Name: Rick Barnes
Motors: B6-4
Expected Altitude: 450 Feet
Wind Speed: 15.00 mph
Launch Site: Torrey Farm, Potter, NY

Launched the BBIII despite gusty winds, but installed a long streamer instead of the chute.  Good flight, but came down hard in the dirt, buckling the body tube above the fin can.  So, this was its last flight.

1Quest B6-4


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