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Flight Log - 2012-05-12 - Rob Appleton's lil goblin

Fiberglass Lil Goblin - First all fiberglass rocket that i have made.  Optioned the 38mm motor mount, but used it so far with 38-29mm adapter.

Flight Date: 2012-05-12
Rocket Name: lil goblin
Kit Name: Madcow Rocketry - Lil Goblin {Kit} (K-139)
Flyer's Name: Rob Appleton
Motors: CTI Pro29 G125-RL
Expected Altitude: 2,200 Feet
Wind Speed: 6.00 mph
Launch Site: Brothers Oregon
Actual Altitude: 2,011 Feet

First flight for the FiberGlass Lil' Goblin.  Got a deal on a CTI 29mm G125 so used that.  The goblin left the launch rail FAST and cruised up to apogee, arcing over the flight line.  I had drilled the delay to 11 seconds, and the chute popped out at about a second after apogee.  Came down to land next to the LCO table.  The walk that I thought would be needed never happened!

Great little motor for this baby.  I will use it again

1CTI 159G125-14A-0


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