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All Videos by robertsagar

Model Rocket Launch 2 (2011-06-24)

We launch each rocket (3) two times each. Charlie's "Amazon," Clarissa's "Crossfire" and Garrett's "John Deere" over Easter, 2011.

Model Rocket Launch 3 (2011-06-24)

We shoot off Clarissa and Charlies rockets - Amazon and Crossfire - after an afternoon of flying kites. A bit windy, but success all around!

Model Rocket Launch 4 (2011-06-24)

This was the first flight of the Storm Chaser - a custom made, mid-powered model rocket. The launch and flight were awesome, but the recovery system failed to deploy. It flew straight and true, and after apogee, flew just as straight back to earth (you can just catch it's decent toward the end of the video) - bouncing nose-first off the clay. The top of the tube was accordioned - but, no other damage. Engine used: F20-4W (Econojet).