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All Videos by Rockaeologist

A Rocket Called Stumpy (2011-08-19)

A damaged rocket my friend created a longggg time ago.

Estes Amazon on E9-6 Shenanigans (2011-08-17)

We decided to modify the engine casing of an Estes Amazon E2X rocket to accomodate an E engine and ballasted the nosecone with pebbles to compensate for the balance change, the thing HAULED ASS into a heavy crosswind and the parachute took it to a frontiers unknown.

Estes Gemini DC on C6-5 (2011-08-17)

Exciting flight of an old Gemini DC middle school project rocket with a suspenseful parachute deployment.

First Flight of my FlisKits Decaffinator on D12-3 (2011-08-08)

First launch of the DeCaffinator Model Rocket by FlisKits on a D12-3 engine. To my great surprise and enjoyment the thing actually flew GREAT and landed without a scratch on it! The "Oh you gotta be kidding me!" comment was due to it heading towards a group of trees to land, thankfully it did not and flew again that night. Next time I'm putting an E in it! www.fliskits.com

Quest FlatCat Boost Glider, C6-5 (2011-08-19)

I decided to fly my FlatCat on a C6-5, It is the first and last time I will fly a glider on a C Class engine for obvious reasons.

Quest Zenith CATO 2, B6-0, B6-4 (2011-08-18)

Our second two stage attempt with this rocket, again the second stage went completely unstable.