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Dick Stafford's Rocket Dungeon Blog

New build: MLAS 29mm
Here's a rendering of the 1st cut at a RockSim model. I was scrounging around looking for something to build for the new Estes 29mm BP motors. I had an extra Quest MLAS kit and decided to convert it.  There wouldn't be much room for a 'chute(s) and a fair amount of extra nose weight would be ...
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Stretched MLAS progress
I have started the MLAS 29mm build as I described in my prior post . Progress to date has included: Scotch bottle packing tube cut 1.75" longer than stock; stock shoulder cut and sectioned to adjust its diameter; found a core from some masking tape to beef the shoulder up some; bored the stock ...
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It's looking like a rocket (the MLAS 29mm, that is)
The MLAS derivative is pretty much together, save for a launch lug and the proper amount of nose weight. Determining the 'proper' amount is the trick. Without the stock nose weight, the dry mass is 6.01 oz. To get the same static margin as my stock MLAS (= 0.36), I'll need 1.2 oz of nose weight. ...
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