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The Rocket N00b Blog

The Weight of Paint
Today, we're going to look at paint - how heavy it is, and how it may effect a rocket's flight. When I begin building a rocket, I almost always either try to find or make my own simulation file for OpenRocket . I do this for a few reasons. I want to get an idea of how high the rocket will fly on ...
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The Weight of Paint - Part 2 - So Why Paint?
Click here for Part 1 . In the last post, we saw how much weight paint can add to a model rocket, and how that weight might affect the rocket's flight. The Estes Monarch I recently built has a total weight of 75.8 grams - 25% of which is just paint and primer. And an OpenRocket simulation of ...
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The Weight of Paint - Part 3 - Surface Texture: Drag Reduction Vs. Added Mass
Click here for Part 1 . So far, we've established that painting a model rocket can add significant weight. We've also established that added weight can have a negative impact on the altitude we can expect from a given model. Comparing simulated flights between our heavier, painted Estes Monarch ...
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The Weight of Paint - Part 4 - Painting Lighter
Click here for Part 1 In the last few posts, we've been looking at a simple model rocket I recently built - the Estes Monarch. When I began building it, I had a rather simple question - how much weight am I adding when I paint? So I weighed it after I built it, and then weighed it again after I ...
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