| "BIG RED" Rocket launches Feb 2012      My 8"x 3.2meter "Big Red" launches on its second flight at the New Zealand Rocketry Association's (NZRA) National Launch Day in Taupiri. (Waikato) Boost was on an Aerotech N2000W motor and was followed by airstarting Two Aerotech K700W's and finally Airstarting Two more Aerotech K700W's once those had burned out. Maximum altitude was a shade over 13000 feet and the high speed at Apogee bumped out the main at the top. However, as luck has it, I wouldnt have got such a great descent video had the Main waited to 1500' Rocket was Recovered using a beeline GPS.
 | DynaStar Snarky Launches      I built a DynaStar Snarky years ago. It was just gathering dust on display until today. The motors used were D12-5 and I used a smaller Estes 'chute to compensate for the stiff breeze.
 | Full scale AMRAAM rocket      My NAR Level 3 certification flight on a Aerotech M1315W. Loaded weight is 52 pounds, 12 feet long, 7.5" in diameter. Altitude was 5610', max velocity was 423 mph in 3.3 seconds.
 | Midnight Express rocket on L820 Skidmark and M1230 L3 flights      Cool 3.4x upscale Big Daddy rocket flies twice at LDRS XXXI. Lifted off first on a huge shower of fire and sparks on a L820 Skidmark.Then flown on a M1230 for a successful L3 cert flight.
 | G.Harry Stine biographical video      Biographical overview of G. Harry Stine's role in the creation of model rocketry and spacemodeling. Note that an updated version of this video is available at: youtube.com
 | Golden Scout Flight #1096      High-speed video from Flight 1096 of the Golden Scout in celebration of 50 years of Model Rocketry.
 | Impressive CATO - CIMG5749      An impressive CATO at Red Glare X - note the visual example of inertia here. The CATO nearly STOPS the motor casing dead in its tracks but inertia keeps the rocket bottom half moving forward sliding OFF the casing and continuing upwards. Truly spectacular to watch. SO fast even this 600 frames per second is almost not fast enough.
 | Keychain camera rocket Semroc Texas Firefly two-stage      Keychain camera attached to Semroc Texas Firefly two-stage rocket. September 19, 2010 with my club, Pittsburgh Space Command NAR Section #473]
 | Megan's Fire      Fire is a Semroc SLS Jaguar, this video was taken on 4/18/2010. We used an Aerotech E20-7w motor for this launch. We were lucky to retrieve, our initial search in a small cluster of trees yielded no results, luckily, was found behind it by another person searching for a different rocket.
 | Madcow CRICKET      Madcow CRICKET 22 Jan 2011 High Powered Rocket (HPR) Engine H148R-M Southern Arizona Rocketry Assoc
 | HYPERION      Flight and ground video of my parallel staged model rocket design. This system I've come up with is still under development. Thanks! Enjoy.
 | Model Rocket - Rocket Cam 1 (2010)      The first (and last) successful flight of "Rocket Cam 1" carrying a video camera onboard.(June 7, 2010). This was a modified Estes LoadStar kit.
 | Two Stage High Power Rocket Launch - Horizontal Camera      Red Between the Lines - Flight 5 Launches on an Aerotech I211 to an Aerotech H123 Max Altitude ~3500ft.
 | "54mm Stealth" on an AT J90W      Art Applewhite "54mm Stealth" flying at MDRA on June 14 burning an Aerotech J90W motor.
 | 7th Flight - 3/4 Patriot Missile      |
 | Future of Aerospace Rocket - July 30, 2011      Video Source: www.cosrocs.org Additional Details: www.rocketryplanet.com www.ulalaunch.com United Launch Alliance (ULA) Future of Aerospace Rocket: United Launch Alliance, Ball Aerospace Interns and High School Students Launched Colorado's Largest Rocket, Payloads, Saturday, July 30, 2011 from a launch site near Pueblo, Colorado. Interns from both companies--representing the future of the aerospace industry--built the high-power rockets and a variety of multi-faceted payloads this summer as part of their experience at their respective companies. A major new addition to this year's effort has been the work of 14 teams from 11 Colorado high schools, laboring for months to develop payloads to launch on the rockets. The Future of Aerospace and Stars 'N' Stripes rockets were built by ULA summer interns-dubbed SPIRIT (Sky Piercing Intern Rock-It Team)-in Denver, Colorado, Decatur, Ala., Harlingen TX, Vandenberg AFB, CA, and Cape Canaveral, Fla. This is the fourth year ULA interns have built and launched high-power rockets as a summer project and the second year with participation from intern at other ULA work locations. United Launch Alliance (ULA) Future of Aerospace rocket Launch Date: Saturday, July 30, 2011 Launch Site: Hudson Ranch, 9.5 miles west from the Walmart (at Pueblo Blvd.& Hwy 78) on Beulah Hwy. It is located on the right side coming from Pueblo, Colorado. Length: 25 ft Weight: 300 lbs O-Class Rocket* Altitude: 10000 ft AGL (1) large, (1) medium, (12) small ...
 | A4_launch.wmv      First launch of a V2/A4 rocket model in 1:10 scale. A new design for removeable fins was tested. The rocket weigth was approx 8kg. An Aerotech J415 motor was used. Erster Start einer V2/A4 Modellrakete im Ma�stab 1:10. Ein neues Design für abnehmbare Flossen wurde getestet. Die Rakete wog ca. 8kg. Als Antrieb diente ein Aerotech J415.
 | Norad on H128W.MOV      LOC Norad on H128W. Altitude 2000ft+
 | DynaStar Sky Torpedo Launch      A successful launch of a DynaStar Sky Torpedo a model rocket kit from Apogee Components. The motor used was a Estes D 12-5. The rocket also sported an Estes parachute that was about half the size of a stock Dynastar parachute.
 | EMRR - 10th Anniversary      Essence's Model Rocketry Reviews and Resources is now 10 years old. We ENHANCE the hobby! (www.rocketreviews.com)
 | Dr. Zooch Saturn V Launch (High-Speed, Slow-Motion)      A Dr. Zooch Saturn V, built by Hans "Chris" Michielssen, is launched. I was recording the flight using my EX-F1 and didn't notice that the rocket was coming down right towards me. Chris managed a one-footed, one-handed save, catching the rocket and sparing me from ... uhh ... getting hit by slow-moving, light-weight rocket.
 | CTI M2250 C-Star Build      This documents the build of a 75mm 4-grain CTI M2250 C-Star motor for my Level 3 certification flight. I plan to fly this in my Extreme WildMan at Red Glare XI this weekend. I never built a motor where I had to glue the grains into the sleeve and I learned a few things along the way. It is long and a bit boring, but hopefully informative to someone out there.
 | Ten Steps To Safe Rocket Fun      Ten Steps to safe rocket fun is a safety video about model rocket safety and run in a 50 min video. This Video will show new beginners to model rockets how to build, fly & learn all about the hobby.
 | Tripoli Launch..inspirational      Tripoli level three cert flight. wonderful
 | Wildman N-10000 drag race MDRA Red Glare 8 (VIII)      Craziest thing I've seen so far. Four rockets, all stuffed with sledgehammer N motors.
 | Rocket Racers - NASCAR meets Star Wars - Miles O'Brien Reports on Rocket Racing League      NASCAR meets Star Wars in a cross between high octane sports, rocket powered aircraft, and some virtual reality to make it blow your mind. This is the Rocket Racing League - RRL
 | Robb Haskins's Patriot (High-Speed)      Robb Haskins's Patroit is launched on a sparky L motor at the NEFAR launch on July 12, 2008.
 | 2008-11-08 NEFAR Mega Cereal Bowl      Marc Slabbinck's "Mega Cereal Bowl" is launched several times (and captured from multiple angles and in slow-motion) at the 2008 NEFAR "Bunnell Blast" launch.
 | 2008-10-04 Akavish Launch on a G77 Redline (Normal/Slow-motion)      Roger and Bracha Smith's "Akavish" is launched on an Aerotech G77 Redline motor at the October ROCK Launch. The launch is shown at normal speed then as recorded at 600 fps (20x slow-motion).
 | Red Glare 8 MDRA VIII 2010 - CATO in Slow Motion - 240FPS      Red Glare 8 - MDRA Launch - V2 CATO in slow motion
 | High Speed Video launch of Lucys "Hot Chick Rocket" on G79      High Speed Video launch of Lucys "Hot Chick Rocket" on G79
 | Ejection Charge      This video shows what happens inside a rocket when the ejection charge fires. Captured at 1200 frames-per-second, this high-speed video illustrates dramatically why you need recovery wadding (or some other system) to protect the rocket's parachute.
 | NSL 2011      Slow Motion Rocket Launches at NAR National Sport Launch, Lucerne Dry Lake, CA, June 2011. Including Mad Max on J800, WAC Corporal on M1939, Saturn V goes Unstable, a sparky motor, a Nike Smoke, and ... Architecture can fly!
 | CIMG1224      |
 | Omega Launch High-Speed Video      A clone of the Estes Omega is launched on a pair of D12 motors (slow-motion)
 | lunar-ames-09jan17      a collection of 210-frames-per-second slow motion rocket launches from the over 250 flights at Ames by LUNAR, Saturday, January 17, 2009.
 | snow-ranch-2010-04-03.wmv      Compilation of 210 frames-per-second videos from LUNAR Snow Ranch launch, April 3, 2010. From Chili-Eatin' Charlie to a whole bunch of HPR, check out the TARC fwd closure issue at the end.
 | D16 Red Rocket - Slow Motion      d16 red rocket jps da 2011
 | CIMG3529c.AVI      Big Dumb Rocket Squared launch, Snow Ranch, March 5 2011. Look for the chuff at about 11 seconds, the blow-out at about 14 seconds. K550s are a beautiful motor. Thx Aaron for the expert video handling.
 | snow-ranch-20110206.wmv      novice videographer, slow-motion clips from LUNAR launch at Snow Ranch, Feb 05 2011.
 | CIMG3517c.AVI      Red spray paint in slow motion! The fins of the rocket are getting painted, and then watch the movie to see the solvent flashing out of the paint. Actually, this movie really shows why professional painters recommend starting the paint spray off the work piece, then moving on, and then past, and the turning off. The reason is, you can see when my arm stops to move the other way, too much paint is applied at the "stop" spot. Much better to have many light, consistent coats, than blotches and runs. That's the long way of saying, look at my crummy technique.
 | RATTworks tribrid flight slomo      Butterflies fly through the scene. And then a tribrid by Dave Griffith of RATTworks launches.
 | Big Daddy model rocket slow motion launch      Short but great video. The Estes Big Daddy model rocket, leaving the launch pad. See how the igniter plug pops out!
 | Slow Motion Rockets Set to 2001 A Space Odyssey Theme [In HD]      These model rockets are using model K motors, which is different than your standard Estes rocket motor. Footage courtesy of the Team Ohio Rocketry Club (TORC).
 | estes sidewinder slow motion      estes sidewinder model rocket on a C6-3 (two launches side by side) recorded at 1000 frames per second with a casio fc-100. Launched at KARS NH on 11/6/10.
 | PSAS rocket launch - 600FPS high-speed camera footage - Brothers, OR (2009-05-31)      Portland State Aerospace Society rocket lifting off, captured at 600FPS. To see how fast the liftoff took in real time, watch www.youtube.com . For footage from the camera mounted on the rocket, watch www.youtube.com . For more information on this launch in Brothers OR on 2009-05-31, including photos, see psas.pdx.edu .
 | High Speed Launch LV2.3 October 17, 2010      PSAS successfully launched "Launch Vehicle No. 2.3" (LV2's third airframe) with a roll control module and "spin can" on Sunday October 17th, 2010 at Oregon Rocketry's (OROC) Brothers' launch site. On-site video analysis confirmed that the roll control module and spin can worked! This is 600fps video of the launch. See psas.pdx.edu for more.
 | High Speed Launch Videos at EARS 3rd April 2011      Collection of launch videos filmed at 300fps at EARS Rocket Club on 3rd April 2011
 | Hot Chick Flight 13 on G115 - High Speed Video      Launch video of Lucys Hot Chick rocket on a G115 - White Thunder motor. Recorded at 300fps on a Casio EX-F1 camera
 | 7.5 Inch Diablo CTI J295CL RGX      |