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All Videos by royatlvideo

Burl's Phoenix (2011-06-20)

Burl Finkelstein's Phoenix on an M motor from 2002

Estes Saturn 1B at SoAR Launch (2011-09-23)

Both ground video and on-board video of the flight of an original Estes Saturn 1B rocket.

Hypertek Hybrid M at GRITS, April 2, 2011 (2011-08-19)

The final flight of the day on the second day of GRITS-1, this rocket has not yet been found.

Liftoff of Endeavour (2011-12-05)

STS-134 liftoff, videoed from about 2.9 miles away

M powered rocket at GRITS-1, April 2011 (2011-08-19)

Burl Finkelstein's FatNike rocket flying on a research M motor of about 9000 newton-seconds (equal to 900 Estes C engines) flying on research day at Georgia Rockets In The Sky (GRITS) April 1-3 near Calhoun, GA.

Peter Alway launches my Saturn 1B at NARAM-53, July 23, 2011 (2011-11-05)

After the heat and a thunderstorm had chased most everyone away from the first day of sport launch weekend at NARAM-53, I decided to go ahead and fly my 34 year old Estes Saturn 1B anyway, since scale maven Peter Alway was manning the launch panel. Due to a mishap during prep, one of the eight fins on the Saturn was missing, but it was determined it probably wouldn't prevent it from flying mostly well. and it didn't.

SoAR May 22 2010 launch (2011-05-29)

A short video of SoAR's launch on Saturday, May 22, 2010