Flight Log - 2015-10-10 - Hans "Chris" Michielssen's RRR Starliner

My first Red River kit.

Bt-50 main tube, conical base with small fins.

12" mylar parachute with 8 shroud lines.

Flight Date: 2015-10-10
Rocket Name: RRR Starliner
Kit Name: Red River Rocketry - Starliner DST (K-005)
Flyer's Name: Hans "Chris" Michielssen
Motors: Quest German made B6-4
Launch Site: NEFAR - Clegg Sod Farm
Actual Altitude: 300 Feet

After a good boost to 300' on a Quest B6-4, only the nose cone blew off at ejection. It was enough to slow it down, landing on the rear shroud. No damage at recovery.

1Quest B6-4


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