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All Videos by samdogfilms

CATO Rocketry Club Launch Highlights #138 June 14, 2008 (2011-06-19)

The triumph and the tragedy of launching model rockets! Here are some highlights from CATO Rocketry Club Launch #138 on June 14, 2008. Filmed at Whites Farm Field in Durham CT.

CATO Rocketry Club Launch Highlights #139 July 19, 2008 (2011-11-18)

The triumph and the tragedy of launching model rockets! Here are some highlights from CATO Rocketry Club Launch #139 on July 19, 2008. Filmed at Whites Farm Field in Durham CT. This month was hot! The "Sky Shark" a "strap-able" nose cose with wireless video camera inside is featured in this month's video. The camera is from www.boostervision.com. I also added a +12dB Radome Range Booster antenna to the receiver to boost the range to 4000' Musical selection by Gus Theme from Tom and Jerry Theme from Jaws Theme from Indiana Jones Techno Jaws "Down to the Earth" By Peter Gabriel Special Thanks to Chris Polack for helping me film and Rich and Greg Lenoce for the use of the Booster Vision Camera.

Gus goes to NARCON 2009 Highlights (2011-06-03)

Gus goes to the National Association of Rocketry Convention on March 20-22, 2009 in Wethersfield, CT. www.catorockets.org Gus visited with some of the vendors and talked to:

Heavenly Hobbies NARCON 2009 (2011-07-31)

Jose Andrade-Cora describes his company and several interesting rockets including the Backdraft and the Washigei.

Rocket Cam Launch Day 3 April 18th, 2008 (2011-06-20)

This is revision 3 of the Video Eggscalibur. The rocket is designed to hold an egg in its large nose cone. We added a small wireless video camera powered by a nine volt battery instead. We modified the rocket's original three fin design and added four plastic fins from another rocket kit because the first and second version of the rocket were spinning too much. We also switched to two parachutes. One for the camera and one for the rocket body. (It had problems however). We also added a fishing line swivel at the top of the camera to smooth out the camera spin on decent. On the first launch the nose cone popped but neither parachute deployed. On the second launch the camera's parachute deployed but the rocket body's didn't. It speared into the ground but survived. The video shows the launches in real-time and slow motion from two camera angles. Since this was a test launch we used the lower powered C11-3 to work out the bugs before we try a higher powered D or E engine. Revision 1 and 2 of the same rocket. www.youtube.com www.youtube.com