Model Rocket Building Posts
Rocketry Product: Semroc - Saturn 1B {Kit} (KS-1)
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Background (2018-11-01)
Estes unveiled their 1/70th scale Saturn 1B in 1967. The first catalog appearance was in their 1968 catalog, kit # K-29. Gene Street did the kit design. The retail price was $9.50. The same Apollo ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 1, Opening The Box (2018-11-02)
Anybody who has purchased the Semroc kit is surprised by how small the box is. Semroc listed this kit as a Skill Level 4. I don't agree, any model that has a tower assembled of dowels should be a ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 2, Capsule and Tower Parts (2018-11-02)
I was going to start on the engine mounts and body construction but was missing the couplers and engine hooks. I called Semroc (ERockets) and was assured they would be sent right out. So we'll start ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 3, Dowel Prep (2018-11-03)
Building an escape tower isn't easy, sort of a rocketry Rite Of Passage. Like every new build challenge, don't expect perfection in your first try. I've heard a few say: "I can't build that, I have ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 4, Making The Tower (2018-11-05)
Use the full size patterns to cut four tower sides to length. TIP: Don't just roll your knife blade across the rolling dowel - Roll forward a half turn and stop. Keep the blade in the cut slot. Roll ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 5, Making The Tower (2018-11-06)
You'll have to make two more sets of the horizontal center struts. TIP: To keep the side ends even, I pinned two vertical flat toothpicks down first. The center horizontal struts are not glued to ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 6, Making The Tower (2018-11-06)
Four sets of upper internal "V" struts and four sets of (slightly larger) lower "V" struts are made. The V tops are trimmed flat after the sides are glued together. I didn't see any need for using ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 7, Making The Tower (2018-11-07)
Even though I reduced the dowel diameters, the fit was too tight in the assembly jig holes. The holes were widened slightly with my small rat tail file. Don't remove too much, you still want a tight ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 8, Making The Tower (2018-11-08)
Don't forget to add some glue to the inside joints. You can use a little more glue here, it won't be seen from the outside. Apply small dots of glue with a toothpick tip. The bottom (slightly ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 9, Escape Tower Tail & Cone Fix (2018-11-09)
The low end of the escape tower nose and tail cone was chipped and very rough. I probably wouldn't have included this part in the kit. A bead of thinned CWF was rolled on the edge using a Q-tip. ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 10, Balsa Fill & Detail Pieces (2018-11-10)
There's a rounded notch around the capsule. The center hole of the shroud rests against this notch. It's not easy to sand this clean, I wrapped 400 grit around a Q-tip for some even soft pressure. ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 11, Escape Motor Nozzles (2018-11-11)
Forming the escape nozzles is confusing. I would have preferred a simple cone shape with a glue tab on one side. For some reason the nozzle sides are double thickness. TIP: Cut the center of the ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 12, Nozzles & Capsule Shroud (2018-11-12)
The wide end of the nozzles got a wipe of medium CA glue. The tapered dowel was quickly set in the nozzle and twisted to it wouldn't be glued in place. This helped "lock" the nozzle in a round ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 13, Escape Tower Decals (2018-11-13)
The Semroc instructions say: "The capsule may be painted/finished as shown below." Rather than try to hand draw these on the model, I decided to make up some decals and hope they fit. I know there ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 14, Escape Tower Decals (2018-11-13)
The paper cone wrap was opened, traced and the curve corrected with a cheap compass. A 1" line is drawn for reference. A photo is taken and dropped into Corel Draw. A 1" square was drawn in ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 15, Escape Tower Painting (2018-11-14)
Before the decals can be applied, all the tower pieces were painted gloss white. I tend to paint my scale models with gloss paint. Flat white paint is a dirt and finger oil magnet. You can quickly ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 16, Escape Tower Decals (2018-11-15)
I never understood how Estes expected anybody to draw these lines and details on the escape motor assembly. Both Estes and Semroc Apollo Capsule instructions suggest this trim. I have plenty of ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 17, Seam Filling (2018-11-16)
I know I'm not finished with the capsule and tower, but to work around paint dry times I'll probably have to jump around a bit. The large diameter tubes had some rough edges. It's understandable, ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 18, Antennas Prep (2018-11-17)
While the paint on the capsule and tower dry - The antenna parts are laser cut on thick fiber board. There were some antenna pieces not on the master sheet. They weren't found in the bag, I ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 19, Antennas Prep (2018-11-18)
To avoid confusion, I suggested joining the two antenna base sides suing a strip of paper on the back. Well, I got one wrong! The first base on the left is incorrect. The right side should be longer ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 20, Antennas Paint (2018-11-19)
After all the prep and paint - The laser cut box lines were longer than all the antenna pieces! These low end lines will be visible. I had to go back and and fill the low end. Damn. CWF, paint, sand ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 21, Parachute (2018-11-20)
The edges on the eight sided 32" plastic sheet parachute (picnic tablecloth material) were roughly cut. No chute assembly instructions were provided. The material seemed very thin. I'll assemble the ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 22, Flattening The Cardstock (2018-11-21)
Okay, here's the most boring blog post yet - Ironing! There are a lot of parts crammed into that small shipping box. I wish the card stock wasn't rolled up inside a body tube. You can't glue down ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 23, Built-Up Fins (2018-11-22)
The internal fin ribs are laser cut from 1/16" thick basswood. A real improvement over the old Estes kit that included die-cut balsa. The laser cutting was very clean. I did some smooth sanding with ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 24, Built-Up Fins (2018-11-23)
After the trailing edge and center line were embossed - Here's the other side of the card stock. Notice the embossed lines aren't very deep. Cut out the fin skins using a new blade and a metal ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 25, Built-Up Fins (2018-11-24)
The center crease is done gradually. I can pinch the fold over the top of the architect ruler. The final sharp fold is burnished with the back end of a Sharpie barrel. Be careful not to burnish over ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 26, Built-Up Fins (2018-11-24)
Please note: These build times are for construction of a single fin. Do some test fitting on the internal braces before gluing anything in place. The smaller upper edge of the first "A" brace should ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 27, Built-Up Fins (2018-11-25)
The A-E markings on the inside of the skin don't relate to the order of the printed instructions. Follow the printed instructions for the best fit of the parts. The trailing edge spar is glued next ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 28, Retro Rocket Housings (2018-11-27)
I assembled the retro rocket housings as shown in the instructions. The end results weren't great. I wonder if the average builder was be happy with them as assembled like they were in the original ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 29, Retro Rocket Housings (2018-11-28)
After the center contact line had dried, some glue was sneaked onto the angled top of the launch lug. The ends were held in place until the glue set up. A line of glue was applied down the knife ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 30, Retro Rocket Housings (2018-11-29)
The sides weren't even. This would be a poor fit on the body. Some medium CA was applied to just the lower edge to harden up the card stock. This makes it easier and cleaner to sand. Light sanding ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 31, New Retro Rocket Housings (2018-11-30)
Here's a picture from the Apogee website. This clean build was done by Phillip Gore. Notice the retro housings are different. The Estes Saturn 1B was modeled after one of the the earliest Saturn 1B ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 32, New Retro Rocket Housings (2018-12-01)
The basswood got a shot of primer/filler and smooth sanding. Very little filler/primer was left after sanding. Two strips of scrap gloss card stock were cut, formed and glued over the top. The ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 33, Discharge Tubes (2018-12-03)
It's surprising how many small part details were made using launch lugs. The centers of three discharge tubes are cut from 1/8" launch lugs The outside wrap over skins are cut from the gloss card ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 34, Vector Control Jet Housings (2018-12-04)
Why would they provide these in balsa? You are directed to glue these together and sand to shape. After that - "Use the end of the dowel to depress four nozzles in the piece as shown." There is no ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 35, Vector Control Jet Housings (2018-12-05)
TIP: Here's one way to make sharp circle recess nozzles. You can also to this to make recesses for screws on scale models. This idea is based on something from an old CMR D Region Tomahawk kit. The ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 36, Retro Rocket Housing Shape (2018-12-06)
I looked closer at the Saturn 1B finished model on the Apogee website. This is a beautiful build by Phillip Gore. Check the vacuform retro rocket housings. I realized the tops angle in to a tip, not ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 37, New Vector Control Housings (2018-12-07)
Because I'm changing the model to the SA-205 design, the Vector Control Housings will also be changed. The shape is much simpler than the earlier SA-2001 shape. I tried to make the vector control ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 38, New Vector Control Housings & Capsule Cover (2018-12-08)
Just under half of the dowel back was carved off. Leave a little more than half the dowel diameter so a body tube curve can be sanded on the underside. My old sanding block has a curved side. The ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 39, Primer Filler Sanding the H-1 Tubes (2018-12-09)
Wow! I mentioned before, there are a lot of tube seams to fill. On this post I concentrated on the eight BT-51, H-1 engine tubes. The CWF was already applied in the tube seams. After the filler dried ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 40 Notching the H-1 Tubes (2018-12-10)
Four of the BT-51N tubes have to be notched to fit around the four engine cluster mount. Notch only four! Mark the tubes for a slot 3/8" wide by 2 7/8" tall. The long sides were marked in pencil ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 41, Attitude Control Nozzles (2018-12-11)
I haven't seen a sharpener like this in a while. Most are housed inside a plastic housing. I tried getting an even nozzle shape using a pencil sharpener but the cut cone shape ended up crooked. I ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 42, Attitude Control Nozzles (2018-12-12)
You'll need 12 nozzles, I made more. I'll pick the best ones and group them into sets of four. TIP: Keep your small parts in zip-lock bags until you need them I rolled a piece of tape sticky side ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 43, Service Module Paint Pattern (2018-12-13)
One great thing about modeling the Apollo 7, SA-205 rocket is the detail on the Service Module. The detail wrap can be cut from aluminum Trim Monokote and wrapped around the tube. Here's the drawing ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 44, Capsule Details (2018-12-14)
You knew I'd get back to the capsule and tower sooner or later - The instructions have you use the tower assembly jig to mark the capsule top for the tower leg ends. If you use the assembly ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 45, Capsule Details (2018-12-16)
The seven lines were cut from some adhesive backed paper from an Avery CD label. Using self-adhesive strips is just cleaner and easier, no glue. Here's a dry fit of the tower. Look below and you can ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 46, Capsule Coupler (2018-12-16)
A black fish paper coupler is glued to the back of the capsule assembly. TIP: Coupler edges are typically cut at a slight angle. For a stronger glue joint, sand one side of the coupler flat. TIP: ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 47, Engine Mount (2018-12-17)
Backtracking to the start of the assembly instructions: You have to decide whether to use a 18mm four engine cluster like the original kit or go with the simpler 24mm engine. According to the face ... [Read More]
Semroc Saturn 1B, Build, OOP #KS-1, Part 48, Central Engine Mount Assembly (2018-12-18)
Two thick walled ST-9 tubes run through the center line of the model. The two 9" tubes are joined by a black coupler. An alignment line is drawn down the joined tubes. The larger TR-115 ring is ... [Read More]
Finishing Up Saturn 1B - For Now (2018-12-19)
I'm going to be taking a break on the Saturn 1B build for a while. I will come back to it later. I don't like to suspend a build, but to be honest, I need a break! We've all been there, we get ... [Read More]
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